Page 3 of Kuaket
“Pretty much the same as it always is. There’s plenty of snow, the hunting is good, and the skiing is even better.”
I let out a small laugh. “Sounds awful to me, but I know you love it.”
“I do, I can already tell there are too many people around here for me. I don’t know how you do it.”
“I like people.” I brushed some hair behind my ear and leaned back in my seat.
The buzz of other conversations filled the air, but I wasn’t able to hear any of what other people were saying. Which was probably a good thing, I didn’t want other people being able to pay attention to what I was saying either.
My gaze landed on a notice about the speed dating event happening on Wednesday. Just like it did every week. I’d have to come again, it was always a fun night.
“You okay, Kua?” Skadi asked.
“Sorry, just thinking.”
“About?” She sipped her wine.
“Oh, there’s a speed dating event they run here on Wednesdays, I was thinking that I should come. You should too if you’re still around.”
Something akin to surprise flitted across her face, probably because I’d asked. “Definitely not.”
“You might find someone for a bit of fun.” The attempt to convince her wasn’t going to work very well. I knew Skadi well enough to be certain she probably wasn’t looking for any kind of fling.
She raised an eyebrow. “I thought you already had someone for that.”
I shrugged. “I do, but you know how these things go. It’s all well and good until someone catches feelings.”
A smile tugged at her lips. “And is that an issue?”
“You know I don’t catch feelings,” I responded.
“And him?”
Without meaning it to, a snort escaped from me. “It’s not likely.”
“Uh-oh, what’s wrong with this one?” Her amusement came through her voice.
I rolled my eyes. “Nothing’s wrong with him. He’s perfectly fine for an evening’s fun.”
“Mmhmm. How long?”
“Nine months,” I murmured.
Skadi’s eyes widened. “Nine months? Are you sure you haven’t caught feelings?”
“I know better than that.”
“Then why has it lasted for three times longer than normal? Don’t you normally cut these things off at the three-month mark.”
I busied myself with topping up both of our wine glasses while I tried to think about the best way to answer that without causing too much judgement. Though Skadi wasn’t the type to act this way.
I sighed and set the wine bottle down on the table. “He’s with the Sons of Seth.”
“Okay...I have no idea what that’s about, but it sounds bad.”
“I forgot that not everyone knows about them,” I responded. “They’re a cult of warlocks who seem to want to destroy all gods.”