Page 28 of Kuaket
“Interesting,” Seth mused.
“Not interesting, horrifying. They want to make my sister into their new power source.” Kuk’s anger came through his voice.
“I don’t think they have to have me,” I pointed out.
“They do, and it’s all because ofhim.” He looked pointedly at Abrax.
“There’s something we can do to destroy the god’s soul, right?” I asked Seth and Menhit, purposefully ignoring my brother and his insinuations. Even if he was right about the reasons they were interested in me, it wouldn’t help us with the situation to fixate on blame.
Seth nodded. “There are.”
“Great. Then we just need to do that and our problem is solved.” Though there was something awful about suggesting the death of the soul, even if the god was already dead.
“To do that, we’d need to get inside the headquarters,” Menhit said.
“Abrax could do it,” Anise suggested. “He can walk right in without anyone thinking twice about it.”
“No,” I said at the same time as my brother.
We exchanged a glance.
“I’m not putting him in danger like that,” I said. “If he goes back in alone, they’ll probably kill him.”
Kuk stared at me with disbelief on his face. “Why is that your problem and not the fact we won’t be able to trust him?”
“He’s right,” Abrax said, taking me by surprise.
“That you’re not trustworthy? Of course he isn’t right,” I said firmly. “I trust you.” It was a bold statement to make in front of three other gods, but I didn’t hesitate to make it. This was only going to work if I could convince them that I had the right idea.
“We don’t know how much control the Sons of Seth have over my magic. You said yourself that I was exhausted when I arrived last night. Say I was able to walk in without them caring. What then? They’ll notice when I’m around the room with the core. No sorry, the god’s soul. Don’t you think they’ll do something to stop me then?”
I bit my lip. He was right, but that didn’t give us many options. “What if you took me in?”
“Well, they’ve given you a deadline, right? Take me in. They’re expecting it anyway. Tell them that they beat some sense into you, and that you know handing me over is the right thing to do.”
“Kua, no,” Abrax said, his face contorting into something that looked like pain. “I can’t.”
“It’s the easiest way into the building,” I pointed out.
“Kua, this is ridiculous,” Kuk said. “You can’t just walk in.”
I shrugged, looking between the two men. “Why not? Bastet did it.”
“Bastet shifted and ran in the side door,” Menhit said from the other side of the room. “She also had amulets that stopped the magic suppression spells from working on her.”
“I probably have the right amulets in my bedroom.” I gestured in that direction unnecessarily. “So I make sure I’m wearing them when I walk in, and I should still be able to use my magic. We can make two plans, one where Abrax is able to help, and one where he isn’t. All I’ll have to do is get out of the room he locks me in, and get to the god room.”
“So you don’t trust him enough to help, but you trust him enough to take you there?” Kuk asked.
“Why are you being so difficult?” I snapped at my brother. “I do trust him. It’s the rest of the cult I don’t trust. What if they decide they’re done with him and lock him up? Or worse. I’m not being untrustworthy, I’m just trying to make sure all of our bases are covered. We probably have one shot at this.”
“She’s right,” Menhit said. “This is the best opportunity we’ve had to actually get inside the Sons of Seth headquarters.”
“Mmm, they weren’t very forthcoming with me when I asked for a tour,” Seth said, having kept surprisingly quiet. Or maybe not, he’d always been known as the reclusive type, I was somewhat surprised he’d agreed to meet me so quickly. No doubt that was Kuk’s doing.
“So this is the best option.” I looked at Abrax.