Page 24 of Kuaket
Kuk’s eyebrows flew up. “Seth?”
“Yes. He’s the one they named their cult after, he’s the one who can help undo this.” It helped that I knew Abrax wanted out. Maybe Seth could help with that in some way. It was the only solution I’d managed to come up with over the past week that didn’t just involve blowing up the entire building. “Will you tell him I want to talk?”
“Sure, but I don’t think he’ll be able to do much. He hasn’t managed to do anything about the Sons of Seth yet.”
I nodded. I knew that, but it didn’t hurt to try.
The doctor cleared his throat and I pulled myself away from my brother to head over in that direction.
“Most of the injuries seem to be surface level,” the doctor said. “But he’s exhausted in a way I’ve only ever seen in witches who have used too much magic.”
“Oh.” My gaze flitted to Abrax’s tattoos. Had they done something that drained him with those? I didn’t like to think of the consequences if that was possible. “Is there anything I need to do to help him heal?”
“Keep him well rested and comfortable. Contact me if there are any further complications.”
“Thank you. And your discretion would be appreciated, Doctor Jones.”
“It’s what I’m known for.” The way he smiled made me think there was something sinister about his words, but I knew Kuk wouldn’t have brought an untrustworthy doctor into my home. “I’ll leave you to it.”
“Kuk will see you out,” I said, nodding to my brother.
He returned it and gestured to the doctor to follow him.
I perched on the bed and took Abrax’s hand in mine, smoothing my thumb over his skin. “Oh, Abrax.”
His eyes cracked open and met mine, pain lingering in them. “Your brother is right.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” I responded, hoping he hadn’t heardallof the conversation I’d had with Kuk.
“This could be a trap,” Abrax croaked.
“But not one of your making,” I responded. “So don’t worry about it. I can take care of myself.”
For a moment, it looked like he was going to argue, but he really didn’t have the energy for it.
“Sleep,” I told him. “We’ll talk in the morning.” I leaned in and kissed his forehead, trying not to think about what that meant.
I got to my feet and found my brother watching me with a strange expression on his face.
“Don’t say a word,” I warned him as I brushed past, planning to go and find Anise and the drinks she was making. I could certainly use one.
I groanedand opened my eyes, confused about where I was until the events of last night came flooding back to me.
I turned, wincing as it pressed on the bruise on my side. “Kua?”
She looked at me with more concern in her eyes than I think anyone had ever had when it came to me, even when I was a kid. She reached out and brushed a thumb across my face. “Are you hungry?”
“More confused than anything,” I admitted, trying to sit up.
“Here.” She grabbed a pillow and put it behind my back. I leaned on it.
“Why am I naked?”