Page 90 of Voyeur Café
He returns to his spot next to me. “I’ve been working with the bank to split the deed for Station 19. I want to sell you your half. Then you can own your space, like you always should have.”
Why would he give that up? I never imagined.Overwhelmed, tears well in my eyes. I push the paperwork back towards him. “Luke, I—” I stop and start, struggling to find words. “It’s just so—I...Luke, I can’t do this to you.”
“You’re not doing anything to me. You’d be helping me. I need the money to help Mom.” He sets the paperwork down on the nearby coffee table and squeezes both of my hands in his. “But that’s nothing compared to how much I need you.” He pulls me closer to him until my folded legs are leaning against his, his hands cradling my face. “Allie, I love you. I need you close to me always. I don’t want to look through that glass wall and see anything but Allie Walker orTurbine Café. Do you understand?”
He loves me? He loves me. Holy shit, he loves me.
“Luke, I—” Struggling with words again, I opt for kissing him. My hands go to frame his face, and he pulls me across his lap until I’m straddling him. Our lips crash together in a searing kiss that rocks me to my core. The kiss of a man wholoves me. Who wants me more than anything.Who I love.And who I want more than anything. Breaking the kiss, I stay curled in his arms on his lap, but pull back far enough that we can see each other clearly. “Luke, this could actually work.”
He runs his hands up and down the sides of my waist, chuckling. “I know, sweetheart.”
An idea materializes immediately, one I can’t believe I never thought of before. “But I need you to know two things before I accept.”
He nods, a smirk curving his lips.
“One: I love you too.”
His smirk turns into a full, broad smile.
“Two: I will not let you give up the bar.”
His smile falters. “Allie. No. You’re not giving upTurbine.”
“Have you ever noticed thatTurbine’s only open during the day?”
“Of course,” he laughs, “I hate working late because I don’t get to see you.”
“What if it wasTurbineduring the day, andErnie’sat night?” I smile, giddy with excitement at the prospect.
He squeezes my knee, a broad smile taking over his mouth. “I like that idea, but it has a couple of flaws.”
I tilt my head to the side, pretending to rethink my proposition. “Pretty sure it’s flawless, actually.”
“Calling itErnie’sisn’t right anymore. The bar will be ours, not his.”
“Oh, yeah. We’re about to be business partners, sweetheart. I’m not running a bar in your space without your help. We’d be opening a bar together.”
Oh, fuck. He’s right. Thatisbetter.I squeal in excitement, tapping a hand on his sculpted shoulder. “Okay, so notErnie’s. I’m good with that. What’s the other imaginary flaw?”
“Those fucking pedestal tables.” He points through the window, and I collapse against his chest, laughing. “I refuse to run a business with those hazards. They’re out. All of them.”
“All of them?”
“Well, theonewill be at my place. The others can go to a landfill for all I care.”
“Hmm,” I take my time, pretending to consider even though we both know my mind is solidly made up. “Alright. You have a deal, Lucas Pine.”
Chapter 33
“Proud of you, kid.”-A note from Grandad Ernie that thirty-year-old Luke found tucked into a copy of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance at his mom’s house that was intended for him as a sixteenth birthday present.
“Today is your day, Capricorn. You will find success in love, business, and family. Step outside, and don’t waste the opportunity to revel in your luck.”-Luke’s horoscope, that he now reads in bed next to Allie every morning, August 1st.
Opening the door to my bedroom, two coffees in hand, I find Allie still sleeping.Finally. I’ve been trying for months to wake up early enough to do this. Stepping quietly into the room, I set the coffees on the nightstand and slide back under the covers next to her.