Page 46 of Voyeur Café
Allie: Who taught you this??
Luke: My mom, don’t worry sweetheart.
Allie: I wasn’t worried.
Luke: Sure.
Allie: A triple Capricorn?? What??
Luke: Mom calls me her little goat.
Allie: She sounds awesome.
May 5th
Luke: What’s my horoscope say today?
Allie: How would I know?
Luke: Come on.
Allie: “Luck is on your side today. Big risks will have big rewards.”
Luke: I like that one.
Allie: Let me know what you decide to risk.
Luke: I’ll try my turkey sandwich on sourdough.
Allie: So risky.
Allie: Does that blue bike need to be tested for two top?
Luke: Two-up.
Allie: What?
Luke: It’s called two-up when there’s two people on one bike.
Allie: I like twotop better.
Luke: Works for me.
Luke: The blue one isn’t ready, but the green one is. You want a ride?
Allie: I don’t want a ride. I just want to help if you need to test it for two top.
Luke: I need to.
Allie: Good thing I asked.
May 6th
Allie: Do you ever take a day off?
Luke: And miss the view through this window? Not a chance.
May 7th