Page 25 of Voyeur Café
“Alright, Mom. I have to go.”
“Okay, little goat.”
“I love you.” I convey as much warmth and sincerity as my voice will hold.
“I know. I know. I love you too.”
I feel like shit about how sad she sounded, but my life was stalled out in Ventura. I couldn’t live fifteen minutes away from her forever. She’ll have to come around, eventually.
When I pull out my phone, Allie’s name lights up the screen. She hasn’t been here for three days. What could she have to complain about?
Allie: Luke.
She starts and stops typing a few times, and then the next texts come through in rapid-fire succession.
Allie: Lucas
Allie: Im sorry im mean..
Allie: I lov you
Allie: you dog
Allie: i love you’re dogg
Holy shit. She’s drunk texting me. At three o’clock on a Monday.
Chapter 11
Share your energetic spirit with those around you, Leo.-Allie’s horoscope, March 25th
Devon, Sadie, and I show up at our favorite boutique hotel pool shortly after it opens for a Monday of poolside day-drinking. We snag a spot with the perfect mix of sun, shade underneath lemon-colored umbrellas, views of desert mountains, and proximity to the bar.
“This drink is pure sunshine and happiness,” I say, admiring the yellow tiki concoction in my hand. Devon was right. I needed a break. This is the third full day I’ve been off fromTurbine, and my stress level has lowered with each one.
“You told me an hour ago thatIwas like sunshine and happiness,” Sadie says.
“You are! You and this drink are kindred. That’s why I love you both so much.”
Sadie settles back into her lounger. “It’s only eleven-fifteen; Isn’t it a little early to start drinking?” she asks, eyeing her own tikitreat warily.
“Absolutely not,” I say. “First of all, late morning is a perfectly acceptable drinking time in any social circle that I care to be a part of. Secondly, you’re on vacation. And thirdly, you look adorable with that drink in your hand.”
Sadie giggles and beams under the brim of a chic Panama style straw hat, striking a pose and taking an indulgent sip of her drink. Sheisthe embodiment of happiness and sunshine, wearing the hell out of a yellow high waisted bikini that shows off her slightly curvy frame. I snap a few pictures and show her on my phone. “See? You belong here.”
“I do look really good,” Sadie says bashfully.
“You want to send one to your man?” I ask.
Sadie nibbles her glossed-pink lower lip. “No, he won’t—he doesn’t need—no...” She starts her sentence three different times but never lands on an answer.
“Sade, you’ve been here four days,” Devon says, leaning forward in a taupe one piece only she could pull off, “and you haven’t said Jared’s name once. Are you going to tell us what’s happening, or are we all going to pretend he doesn’t exist together?” Sadie has been dating Jared since they were in high school, so they were already together by the time we met her when she was in college. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with the guy, but Devon and I have always shared the opinion that he’s not good enough for Sadie. And Devon is always quick to say as much.
Sadie sighs and takes a deep draw from her drink.
“To be clear, I’m all for pretending he doesn’t exist,” Devon adds, sending Sadie and I into a fit of giggles.