Page 22 of Voyeur Café
Allie’s mouth widens into a knowing smile. “Not for long, Pine.” She pats my knee, then stands up and walks back to the counter, leaving Brian, Hector, and I to exchange confused looks.She doesn’t want me here, but she can’t think that it’s enough to make me leave.
Chapter 9
You’ll burn brighter if you allow others to add sparks to your flame. -Allie’s Horoscope, March 23rd
Luke’s truck isn’t here yet.Good. I get to play my favorite little game. The man is stoic, steady, and unbotheredall the fucking time. No matter what I do, there’s never a twitch of irritation. But he’s asked me a couple of times if I’m having issues with my power, so I think this is getting to him. If I keep at it, he might even call an electrician.
Locking my car, I rush across the parking lot, so I can do this before he shows up. The metal door of the breaker box creaks open, and my smile drops. There’s a post-it note stuck carefully above the top line of his breakers, written in a simple, clear hand.
Morning, sweetheart.
This is a little precarious, I’ll admit. My arms are full of the curtains that finally came in after Devon ordered them for me weeks ago, and I’m standing on one of our white, plastic tulip tables trying to hang them on my new curtain rod. The table is circular with a singular pedestal base, so when I lean my weight too far in any direction, it wobbles.
Not being tall enough to reach, I’ve resorted to hopping on top of the table and swinging the curtain rings toward the rod. So far, three of them are hooked. The three-dayTurbinehiatus Devon is forcing on me starts tomorrow, and I need to be at the airport to pick up Sadie in an hour so I’m in a hurry to finish. With a little more oomph than last time, I jump to hook my fourth ring.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Luke’s voice sounds from the front door, startling me mid-hop. I miss the rod with the curtain ring and lose my footing, throwing the table completely off balance. Time slows as the polished white surface rocks out from under me, my head careening backward toward the concrete floor and my feet flying up toward the ceiling.This is not going to be good.
I squeeze my eyes tightly shut.If I can’t see the crash, it can’t hurt me.The curtains drop from my hands, and I flail for purchase, but find only air.This is going to hurt.The crash of the table hitting the concrete floor echoes around me, and I brace for impact.
My body doesn’t hit the ground. Instead, it slams into a solid, muscled body. Luke’s arms grapple around me, pulling me clear of the fallen table. He keeps me pressed tightly against his chest as he pulls himself upright, adjusting me in his hold until his thick arms cradle me under my knees and shoulders.
Luke’s chiseled face is inches from mine, tendrils of wavyblack hair falling loosely across his stern brow. His gaze locks firmly with mine, a wildness in his deep brown eyes. Pressed up against my ribs, his heart beats hard and fast, almost as intensely as my own.
He must have run from the door to catch me in time. I try to crane my neck to gauge the distance, but he pulls me tighter into his warm embrace, surrounding me with the smell of soap and steel. A muscle ticks under the thick stubble of his square jaw.
He releases my gaze, slowly scouring my face and body. “Are you alright?” he asks, voice low and husky.
I blink a few times, but words don’t come to me. I nod in agreement.Get it together, Allie.
“Did you hit your head?” Luke leans his forehead toward mine in question.
Words still don’t come, so I shake my headno.
He looks down at where my hip is pressed firmly against his stomach. “Am I hurting you?”
Your abs aren’t that hard, Jesus.But apparently, being pressed against his chiseled torso does make it difficult to speak. I shake my headno,again.
His heart continues to thunder against my ribs, holding me against him protectively, like there’d be a danger in putting me down. He speaks slowly, deliberately. “You have to be more careful with yourself.”
He’s scolding me?All at once, I’m thinking straight. My entire body is wrapped up in his arms, and not for the first time.This is ridiculous.“Put me down.” He narrows his gaze at me, like he’s considering if he’ll comply. “Put me down. Now.” I wiggle against his hold, but just like the last time he held me against my will, I’m unsuccessful in freeing myself.Why on earth has this happened more than once?
He smirks—that fucking smirk—and walks me a few feetaway from the fallen table, setting me down on a chair and lowering himself in front of me, so his eyes are level with mine. He carefully rests his broad hands just above my knees.Dammit, why is that so comforting? I do not need to be comforted.“You’re not dizzy, are you?”
“I told you, I didn’t hit my head. Why would I be dizzy?”
He glares at me, grumbling, “Reckless,” under his breath before standing up. “What the fuck were you doing up there, anyway?”
I stand up too, following him across the room. “What wasIdoing?”Is this guy serious?“What wereyoudoing? You basically knocked me off the table!”
“If it wasn’t for me, you would have fallen off on your own. I caught you. Or have you already forgotten?” he asks as he rights the table he made me knock over.
“I wouldn’t have fallen at all if you hadn’t snuck up on me.”
“Snuck up on you?” Luke holds his arms out at his sides. “The door was open.”