Page 96 of Playing for Keeps
"I will ask you," I say, wishing like hell I could hold her right now. "I'll beg on both knees, angel. Whatever makes you happy."
"Aww," Jamie says, still scribbling away in her notebook.
"You, Gray," Camila says, pressing her hand to the glass. "You make me happy."
"Gray!" Kelsey calls, wavingat me as I skate off the ice at the end of the game. The Texans weren't fucking around tonight. They came to win. We didn't let them have it, of course. But they made us work like dogs for every goal. We beat them by two, thanks to Kris. I don't know what lit him on fire tonight, but he was unstoppable.
I'm fucking exhausted, but I perk up when I see Camila standing beside Kelsey. Neither of them is freaking out, which gives me hope that Rhonda's interview wasn't that bad.
Surely they'd be freaking out if it were bad, right?
"Hey,querida," I say, snagging Camila around the waist as soon as she's in reach. I tug her up against me, grumbling when I can't feel her through my gear. I kiss her anyway, not caring who sees or what they think.
She sighs into my mouth and kisses me back for a second before she pulls back.
"It's okay," she says, smiling at me.
"It's okay?"
She nods.
I exhale a relieved breath, my entire body relaxing. Despite trying not to worry about Rhonda's interview, I've been a littleworried. The last thing I need is for the debacle to drag on. I just want to put it in the past, make love to my girl, and get on with my life.
"She's upset about what happened and humiliated," Kelsey explains. "She thinks Cal should face some sort of charges and she thinks you need better people representing you, but she doesn't think it's your fault. She said you sent her flowers and have apologized for what happened. She said she was glad you punched him because he deserved it."
"Oh, thank you, Jesus," I say.
"The interview wasn't long. She said what she had to say and then asked for everyone to leave her alone," Camila says. "Poor girl just wants to get back to her life."
"Fuck. I could kiss her right now," I mutter.
"Gray!" Kelsey smacks me on the shoulder, scowling at me.
"I didn't mean it like that. I wouldn't actually kiss her."
"I could kiss her right now too," Camila says, shrugging. Despite everything, she trusts me. Knowing that is a hell of a feeling. I won't ever do anything to jeopardize that or lose her trust. Every day, I'll work to be worthy of her, to be someone she is proud to call hers.
"She could have made your life really difficult. Instead, I think she might have made it easier." She smiles at me. "You're officially off the hook, Gray Larsen."
"Uh, hell no he is not," Kelsey says, crossing her arms and hitting me with the darkest glare she's ever given me. "Did you seriously tell Jamie Knight that you two are getting married?"
Oh, busted.
Camila bites her lip to hide her laughter.
"About that…" I say. "I can explain."
"Go ahead then."
"I…" I huff out a breath. "Fuck, fine. I can't explain. But look at her!" I throw my hand out to indicate Camila, accidentally smacking Theo in the chest in the process.
He flips me off and keeps moving.
"It's not my fault I said what I said. She's beautiful and she's wearing my jersey. No jury would ever convict. Besides, it's the truth. We are getting married."
"What is with you thinking you're a criminal?" Kelsey asks, shaking her head. "You are so weird. But I guess I won't murder you since we can actually use this."