Page 87 of Playing for Keeps
I sit back on my heels, straddling her. "You're telling me that you tried to swindle me just to get me to teach you how to skate?"
I stare at her for a minute. Out of everything she could have asked me for, this is what she wanted. To learn to skate. I guess she doesn't know yet that she could ask me for literally anything and I'd find a way to give it to her, no questions asked. Sooner or later, she'll realize the power she has over me. But for now, we'll start with teaching her to skate.
"Fofa," I mutter, leaning down to kiss her again. "Sofofa."
"Fofinha," she whispers, wrapping her legs around my hips. "It'sfofinha."
"Sim, fofinha," I growl against her lips.
So fucking cute. So fucking perfect.
And all mine.
"Dammit!" I growl, reachingfor my phone. It's been ringing for the last ten minutes straight. If it's not an emergency, I'm killing whoever is blowing it up. Camila is curled up against me, all soft and warm and sleepy. I don't want to leave the bed. Sleeping with her in my arms is heaven.
There's no way I'm letting her go back to her place unless it's to pack her shit. I want her right here in my bed, hogging all the covers and muttering in her sleep. She's been talking on and off all night. Most of it is senseless, but she said my name a few times.
I groan when I see Kelsey's name on the screen. If she's calling this early, it probably isn't good. For a brief second, I consider ignoring her call and whatever crisis she's about to hit me with. And then I sigh and reluctantly climb from the bed. I can't leave her hanging. She'll kick my ass.
"Hey," I mutter, striding toward the bathroom.
"It's about time you answered," she huffs into the phone. "I've been calling you for two hours."
"It's eight in the morning on a Sunday, Kelsey. I was sleeping in."
"Is Camila with you?"
"She is with you," Kelsey gasps.
I leave the bathroom door cracked slightly, headed toward the toilet. I pause when I catch sight of my reflection in the mirrors. My shoulders and back look like I got in a fight with a cat and the cat won. Camila did a number on them.
Why is that so sexy to me?
I glance down at my dick. He's already stirring. Of course.
Maybe I should start putting lotion on him so he doesn't chafe. Or is that bad for Camila?
"Can putting lotion on your junk cause UTIs?" I ask Kelsey.
"Gray! What the fuck?" Kelsey shouts.
"What? I don't want to give her a UTI."
"Oh my god."
"It was just a question," I mutter.
"Please stop talking."
"Fine." I shake my head, not sure what she's so upset about. It's not like I showed her my dick. The mere thought of her seeing my dick makes my balls crawl back into my body like they're trying to hide. They're nice balls, but she'd probably crush them just for fun. I make a mental note to figure out how to get her and Kris to stop avoiding each other.
"I assume by your question she is there," Kelsey huffs. "You might want to wake her up for this."
"Why? What happened?"