Page 76 of Playing for Keeps
"And you're adorable. Come kiss me."
"Mmm." She taps her bottom lip, pretending to think about it. "What's in it for me?"
"My mouth."
"Tempting," she says, smirking at me. "But I have a better offer."
"You know I can't give you the dick yet, angel," I say, resisting the urge to squeeze him through my pants. She's doing a number on him today.
"I wasn't talking about that," she says even though her eyes drift to my cock.
He stands up and tries to wave at her. Greedy bastard.
"You sure? Because I've seen you looking at him,querida," I murmur.
"Anyway," she says, rolling her eyes. "We play one more game. If you win, I get to pick what we do next. And if I win, I get to pick what we do next."
"Um, pretty sure you messed something up there."
"No, I'm pretty sure I said what I mean."
"You trying to swindle me?"
"I don't know. Is it working?"
I hold my thumb and forefinger up in the air about half an inch apart, which makes her throw her head back and laugh. That sweet sound rolls over me and my dick stands up higher and waves a little harder. God, I don't know how I'm supposed to let her leave today. Because this house feels more like home right now than it has at any time in the past eight years.
I should probably feel badly about bailing on the Boy Scouts' trip, but I don't. Spending the day laughing with her beats dying in the woods any day. Besides, I'll make it up to the troop later. I promised to go with them the next time they launch rockets.
"Deal," I say, making her blink in surprise. I'll gladly give her whatever she wants, and I'm dying to know what she wantsbadly enough to try to swindle me into getting it. "Do I get to know what it is?"
"No, but you'll enjoy it."
"Damn. You've got my mind going places now."
She shakes her head at me, but that's okay. I know her mind keeps going there too. It's written all over her face. Her nipples have been hard all day too. "Pick up the controller and prepare to get your ass kicked, Larsen."
"Oh, it's like that, is it?"
"Yep." She sticks her little nose up in the air at me, making me grin like a crazy person. I was wrong earlier. I'm not falling for her. I've already fallen, so far I'm pretty sure I'm going to be flat on my back with my heart in her hands for the rest of this life and whichever comes next. I don't mind. I'm pretty sure that's precisely where it's meant to be.
She's not like anyone I've ever met before. Most women would roll their eyes or laugh at my collection of action figures and comic books. Not Camila. Sure, she's busted my balls about them all day, but she also made me tell her when I got each one and why. She argued with me over whether Star Trek is better than Star Wars—it's not even though she says it is. And she knows the Preacher comics.
She's the first publicist who didn't stare in horror at this room. Instead, she handed me a pool cue and told me to prepare to get my ass kicked. I don't need further proof that she was made for me. I feel it in my bones. Camila Gomes was meant to be mine.
She grabs her controller and then reclaims her seat on the sofa with one leg curled beneath her. I watch her setting up the track for our next race, unable to take my eyes off her. She's so damn sexy to me. The way she throws her heart into everything is a hell of a turn on. When she's working, she's focused, professional, and firm, fully committed to her job. But when it's time to let herhair down, she's playful and sassy, as capable of having a good time and laughing at herself as she is at getting the job done.
I can't wait until she falls in love with me and we can spend every day like this. Not playing video games but laughing together. Learning one another. Just being together. Even Schrödinger likes her. He's been following us around all day, and he usually spends half the day hiding out upstairs. I think he's as obsessed with my girl as I am.
Luckily for both of us, she doesn't seem to mind.
"You still haven't agreed to represent me," I say, taking a seat beside her.
"I actually agreed on Monday," she says, glancing over at me with a sly grin. "Kelsey just suggested I make you squirm a little."
"You're both evil," I mutter, shaking my head at her.
"You kind of deserved it. You threatened to fire me if I didn't go out with you."