Page 69 of Playing for Keeps
"But I'm serious about my job, Gray," she warns me. "Women in this field already have a hard enough time. I don't want everyone thinking that I'm just here to sleep with clients. Dealing with athletes is difficult enough without them thinking they can just flirt their way into my good graces."
"That won't happen,querida," I promise, meaning it. If anyone else tries to flirt with her, Kelsey will be telling me everything she knows about hiding a body because this girl is mine. I've never been jealous or possessive before but with her, I can already feel it happening. The thought of anyone encroaching or trying to take her from me pisses me off.
I'm playing for keeps with this one, and I'm not giving up until she's mine.
"If you say so," she mutters doubtfully, making me smile again.
"I'll pick you up Saturday night."
"Sunday." She giggles. Actually fucking giggles like an adorable little minx who is up to no good. Any chance I had of not beating off again vanishes in a puff of smoke. "I don't think you're going to be in any condition to do anything on Saturday."
"It's camping with a bunch of Boy Scouts," I scoff. "How hard can it be?"
I should probably heed the warning in her evil laugh…but I don't.
Chapter Four
"Emma, have you heardfrom Dolly yet?" I ask, popping my head out of my office to consult with my assistant, who is on hold with the phone company. It's already after four on Friday, and we really need an answer from Adrian's publisher about the release date for his next book. We're trying to push it back so he can take Stella on an actual honeymoon.
If he calls me one more time to ask, I'm flying to Spring to take his phone away. Though, it's adorable that he's so excited about marrying Stella and whisking her away for a while. Seeing him happy makes me happy. He's been alone for so long, hiding out in Florida. Stella has been so good for him. But he's driving me nuts.
Our week has been crazy busy. The whole world wants a piece of Adrian since Stella's article came out. Not to mention, trying to make a gameplan for representing Gray has taken an ungodly amount of work. Like I told him, most of the world empathizes with him right now. But it doesn't take much to change that.
He needs the world to see something other than the drama and fighting they've seen lately. When he's on the ice, he's an aggressive player. He doesn't take crap from anyone and gives as good—or better—than he gets. With hisWin a Datedebacle and then him punching Cal, not to mention an on-ice fight he got into with Jackson Hurst a couple months ago, the last thing we need is for the world to decide he's spiraling. We need to soften him up, remind everyone that he's still the same charming, awkward man they've always known and loved.
And lord, is he ever charming! I still can't believe I let him talk me into going out with him.
We've been texting for the last few days, but we've both been too busy to see each other. The Predators barely won their game against Chicago on Tuesday. The Blackhawks' center, Benji Stigter, has been on fire since he returned to the ice after an injury. He and Gray were both skating like their lives depended on it. The Predators finally won in the second overtime.
Wednesday, he had team stuff and then a home game on Thursday.
They won Thursday's game too. Gray doesn't know, but I was in the audience with Kelsey. I've never been a big hockey fan, but I can see the appeal. It's a fast-paced, exciting sport. Plus, Gray and his teammates are crazy people on the ice. They move like they share a brain and have absolutely no fear. They're fascinating to watch.
Gray left for the Boy Scouts' trip this morning. I feel a little guilty for agreeing with Kelsey's plan because I know he's exhausted. But a night in the woods with a bunch of ten-year-oldboys will do him some good. He needs to remember that there are kids watching, and the world needs to remember that he's one of their favorite players for a reason.
He looked so grumpy this morning. How someone as gorgeous as he is manages to also be adorable, I don't know. But when he was pouting at me, I think he stole a little piece of my heart.
Keeping it guarded around him is going to be a lot of work! I've only seen him face to face twice, and I'm already falling for him. When I tell people about my sister, they usually avoid ever bringing it up again. Not Gray. Every time he texts me, he asks me something about her, like my favorite memory with her or my favorite thing about her. He quizzes me on Portuguese and asks me how to say things, only to repeat them back to me the next time he texts.
Until him, I didn't know it was possible to fall in love with someone via ridiculous text messages, or to fall for someone so fast. But Iamfalling for him. Hard.
I haven't told my mama or Adrian about him yet. They have enough on their plates right now without worrying about me. And I can take care of myself. I've been doing it for a long time. Dating hasn't ever been on my radar, but that doesn't mean I can't stand up for myself or that I'm easily led. Besides, I misjudged Gray that first day. I assumed he was like Derrick Lovelace, but he isn't. He's a genuinely good guy who just happens to be an amazing athlete.
"Emma?" I say when she doesn't respond.
"Yes, sorry," she says, lifting a slip of paper over her head. She's got the phone in her other hand. "She said they can push it back six weeks, but she wants Adrian to do some pre-release interviews. I told her you would call her on Monday to discuss."
"Thank you," I say, taking the Post-It from her and looking it over. "You're a lifesaver. Once you get the phone line upgraded, go ahead and head out. I'll finish up here."
"You're sure?"
"Positive." Emma takes care of her grandma and her great aunt, so she always has a thousand things to do outside of work. I try to give her extra time off whenever I can. She's an amazing assistant and does more than her fair share of work around here. Keeping her happy is a priority. Losing her would be a disaster, especially since I want to take her with me when I start my own firm.
She knows everything there is to know about my clients. And she's one of my closest friends.
"Thank you." She grins at me, her dimples popping out. And then her brows furrow as the hold music coming from her phone cuts off and a deep voice sounds down the line. I can't hear whatever he says, but she blushes. "You can't say that to me on the phone!"