Page 46 of Playing for Keeps
Bonus Epilogue
"Weston!" Kelsey growls, stompingacross the locker room with pure murder on her face.
"Ohhh!" Jonas says, pointing at me like we're in kindergarten. "Busted."
"RIP, man." Gray kicks the side of my skate, smirking before he slowly backs away with his hands in the air.
Everyone else in my immediate vicinity quickly finds somewhere else to be, too. Pussies. I swear, they're all chickenshits. It's not like Kelsey is actually allowed to murder us. At least, I don't think she is.
I make a mental note to ask Coach and then shove my shit into my bag, prepared to face the music.
"You don't have to shout, you know. I can hear."
Kelsey narrows her eyes at me, huffing out a breath. "Clearly, you can't. Because I'm almost positive that I told you that you weren't to mention certain things to the media under any circumstances."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
She stares at me for a full five-count before shoving her hand into her bra and whipping out her phone. I fight a smile as she makes a big production of pulling something up on the screen, her heel tapping against the floor the entire time. Oh, she's big mad. It's honestly kind of fucking hilarious how easy it is to rile her up.
She swears we drive her crazy, but she isn't fooling anyone. She loves us. It's the only reason she gets so pissed about protecting our reputations.
She clears her throat, giving me the evil eye, before she starts reading, "Weston Davies is married! The news was revealed during an on-ice brawl, resulting in multiple ejections and an injury for Theo Kline. When asked for clarification, Davies reportedly stated, 'That BLANK needs to keep my wife's name out of his BLANKING mouth before I BLANK his BLANKING BLANK all over this BLANKING arena.' We'll let you fill in the blanks. Congratulations to the happy couple."
"That is not what I said," I lie, even though I'm pretty sure that's more or less exactly what I said. What? Jackson Hurst called Laney a bitch. Theo jumped in to handle the problem and ended up with a concussion. Hurst is suspended, which is fucking fabulous news. I'll probably be suspended, but I don't even fucking care. Kicking his ass was worth it.
"That's exactly what you said!" Kelsey cries, glaring at me. "You announced your marriage to the world and threatened Hurst in the same sentence because you let him get under your skin. Again."
Well, shit. Put that way, it does sound bad. No. It doesn'tsoundbad. It is bad. I told the world the best news of my life because I was pissed at Hurst, not because I couldn't wait for them to know that Laney actually married me.
"How mad is she?"
"How should I know? I'm not telling her whatyoudid wrong," Kelsey says, looking at me like I've lost my mind. "I just came to yell at you on her behalf. You're an idiot, Weston Davies."
I can't even be mad at her for saying it. It's probably true. Laney is the center of my world. She deserves friends like Kelsey in her corner, ready to kick my ass every time I fuck up. And, let's be honest, it's probably going to happen a lot. If there's one thing I'm good at—aside from fucking my wife and playing hockey, I mean—it's doing dumb shit while playing hockey. But no one talks shit about Laney and walks away from it unscathed. Especially not that asshole.
But Kelsey's right. Announcing our marriage to the world the way I did was a dick move. Marrying her was the best decision I ever made. It deserves celebration, not a fucked up announcement after an on-ice fight.
"I fucked up," I admit. "He was running his fucking mouth again, and it pissed me off."
Kelsey rolls her eyes at me. "He runs his mouth because he knows it pisses you off and you'll react. Every time you do it, you just give him what he wants. And now you look like an even bigger jerk than he does."
"I do?" I cringe. Fuck my life. I guess I do. "I'm an asshole."
"I already knew that," Kelsey sniffs. "Laney's the one who deserves to hear it."
I quickly pull my skates off because she's right. The love of my life does deserve to hear it.
Kelsey watches me for a moment and then nods as if telling herself her job here is done. She shoves her phone back in her bra and turns for the door.
"Thanks, Kels."
"You can thank me tomorrow when you're cleaning my office," she says.
"Oh, hell no."
She keeps walking.