Page 251 of Playing for Keeps
"I thought about you," I confess, craning my head back to meet his gaze again. "Um, at first, I thought it was just because you annoyed me. But I never really stopped thinking about you." My tongue dances across my bottom lip as nervous energy fills me. "That's part of the reason I went to the club last night."
"I've been thinking about you nonstop but had this thought in my head that you didn't even remember I existed. You were so rude the first time we met." I shrug helplessly. "I guess I was tired of thinking about something I couldn't have."
"You wouldn't have found what you were looking for in that club, Rebel."
Except…I did find it. I found him. Or he found me. Either way, he's standing in front of me right now, saying things that still feel surreal to me. He barely knows me. Yet he's risking everything for me. Yet he's touching me like I matter. Yet he looks at me like he wants to devour me. Yet he makes me split pea soup just so I can have a taste of home.
Who is this man?
"I think I found exactly what I was looking for in that club," I murmur, tangling my hands up in his shirt to draw him closer to me. It's a bold move. But he makes me feel bold.
His smirk lets me know it's the right move. "You're going to be all kinds of trouble for me, aren't you, Rebel?"
"Who me? Never, Superstar."
Chapter Five
"Who me? Never, Superstar."
The gorgeous little minx is lying through her teeth. She's going to be nothing but trouble for me. Ask me if I care. I made my decision when she texted me this morning. Hell, maybe I made it as soon as I set eyes on her at the club last night. I don't know. All I know is that our course is set and there's no going back.
I'm playing for keeps now. She may not know it yet, but she will.
Sooner or later, she'll realize I'm only playing by the rules she set until they're no longer convenient. As soon as we bring home the Cup, I'm telling Jonas about us. And then I'm making her mine permanently.
But we've got all kinds of time between now and then. I plan to put it to good use. By the time the Cup is ours, I'm going to possess every corner of her heart. I'll use whatever tricks I have to use to make it happen. She wants me to teach her how to fuck. We'll get there eventually. One little taste of pleasure at a time.
I pull her into me, pressing her soft curves flush against my body. Her lips part, her lashes fluttering. Fuck me. She's sexy without even trying. Those lips have been begging me to kiss them all night.
I dip my head, skimming my nose along the side of her face. "You smell sweet, Rebel. Maybe I'll eat you for dessert."
"Kellan," she whispers, a breathy hitch to her voice.
"What time do you have to be home?"
"I don't."
I pull back to look at her.
"Jonas and I need a break from each other." She scrunches up her nose. "So I told him that I'm staying with a friend in town until he stops trying to run my life."
"Where are you staying?" I growl, eyes narrowed on her.
"I stayed with my friend Haven last night."
I grunt, tugging her back into my arms. "Is she expecting you back tonight?"
"I told her I wasn't sure…"
"You're staying here."
It might be my imagination, but I think this answer pleases her. Happiness floats through her blue eyes before she quickly arranges her expression into a dark frown.
"You can't run my life either, Kellan Alexander," she says.