Page 245 of Playing for Keeps
"Yes, I'm a member, but I never go."
"Then why are you a member?"
"You aren't ready for that conversation," I mutter, pretty sure she'd kick my ass if she knew that I paid a fortune to join the club, hoping to find someone to pretend to be her to indulge my obsession. Only I couldn't go through with it because the thought of touching someone who wasn't her made my skin crawl. It's fucked up and obsessive, and she isn't ready to hear any of that. "Why are you asking?"
"Because I want something." She pauses. "From you."
I eye her with a healthy dose of trepidation. I know her brother well, and she's just like him. God only knows what she wants from me, but fuck me running; I want to know. More than I want my next breath. "What could you possibly want from me, little one?"
"I want you to take my virginity."
I choke on my tongue as my dick pulses in my pants. He's more than willing to oblige and give her what she wants. Shit, he's dying to give her what she wants. So is the rest of me, for that matter. But what the fuck?
"What the fuck?" I growl, slamming on the brakes before I rear-end the Porsche in front of me. "Jesus, Parker. You can't just say shit like that."
"I didn't just say it. I thought about it first."
"You thought about it first and still decided to just offer your virginity up to me like you were asking for the time?"
"More or less."
I pinch the bridge of my nose. It's official. I'm entirely too sober for this. Hell, maybe I'm too sober for her. She is…dangerous. No wonder Jonas worries about her so much. She rushes headlong into everything she does without hesitation or a second thought.
Has she considered the consequences of what she's asking of me? Doubtful, or she wouldn't be asking. She has no clue that once she's in my bed, I'll never let her go again. She's ignorant to the fact that I'll fuck my kid into her at the first available opportunity. She has no concept of the filthy shit I'll teach her. Or maybe she does.
Maybe she knows exactly what she's asking. She's taunting me…seeing just how far she can push me after our unplanned kiss. I unbalanced her, and now it's my turn. She's playing with fire with no concept of how badly it can burn.
Luckily for her, she isn't going to find out tonight.
"Absolutely not," I growl, my hands tight around the steering wheel as I navigate us out of traffic before hitting the freeway to head toward Jonas's ranch.
"Why not?"
"Your brother, for one."
Even out of the corner of my eye, I see her scowl.
"He has nothing to do with this."
"He has everything to do with this, Rebel," I disagree as the speedometer inches toward eighty. "He's my teammate and friend. How do you think he'll take it if he finds out we're fucking around?"
"Who says he has to find out?"
Me. I say.No way in hell is a girl like Parker meant to be a dirty little secret. But I don't say that. I have a feeling she won't hear me even if I do.
"My whole life, men have avoided me because of Jonas," she says. "They either idolize him, or they're scared of him. You aren't either of those things. It makes you the perfect person to do this thing."
"This thing? Losing your virginity shouldn't be an item on a checklist, Rebel." I exit the interstate and take a right. We'll be at Jonas's in just a minute.
"I didn't mean it like that." Her big, guileless eyes meet mine. "You said I shouldn't explore in a sex club or have casual sex with random strangers. You aren't a random stranger. I trust you to teach me what I need to know, Kellan."
"You don't even like me, Parker."
"That's not true."
"You said a hockey puck has more social skills than I do."
"Oops?" She shoots me a cheeky smile. "In my defense, you were being a jerk that night. But I don't dislike you." She glances down at her lap. "I want it to be you, Kellan."