Page 237 of Playing for Keeps
"Hey, baby sister."
I release the edge of the table, dropping back down into my seat. Parker Michaud is a goddess I'd like to fuck. Unfortunately for me, she's also entirely off-limits. Jonas is a friend and my teammate. You don't date the siblings of friends. If there are rules to dating, that one is sacrosanct. The last thing we need is animosity between us causing ripples for the entire team.
"You remember the guys, right? Kris, Wes, Theo, Gray, Logan, and Kellan," Jonas says, pointing to each of us. "Guys, you remember Parker."
"Hi." Parker's gaze drifts around the table before landing on me. Her eyes widen as she looks me over, an adorable blush staining her cheeks. I can tell by the way she's looking at me that she likes what she sees.
"Hey," I mutter, feigning disinterest.
Everyone slides over, making room for Parker. She squeezes onto the bench beside me, her shoulder brushing mine. I inch away from her, trying to put space between us as her sweet scent swirls around me.
"Sorry," she whispers, turning a bright smile on me.
I grunt instead of answering. I'm being an asshole, and I know it, but the less I say to her, the better. My dick is hard as a rock in my pants, and her brother is sitting not even two feet away.
Her smile slips.
"Are you here for long, Parker?"
She stares at me for a moment before turning to answer Gray's question. "Only until Thursday." Her shoulder brushes mine again. "Sorry," she whispers again, turning back to me. "Um, there isn't much room on the bench." Her bright eyes eat up the sight of me, making my dick throb.
I stand abruptly, my teeth gritted.
Everyone turns to look at me.
"Going to the bar," I growl.
"Good. Bring nachos!" Jonas demands.
"And beer," Wes orders.
I grunt an acknowledgment and squeeze out of the booth, making a beeline for the bar. Fuck my life. My dick feels like it's about to break off. I haven't been this hard in…ever, actually. It's been three years since I even went on a date. It's been longer than that since I slept with anyone. Nothing interests me. Atleast nothing did until Parker Michaud waltzed her gorgeous ass into the bar tonight.
"We need nachos and beer," I tell the bartender, who stops halfway through pouring a drink to take my order. When you play professional sports, you tend to jump to the front of the line. Especially when your team is the reason the bar is packed.
He jerks his chin in a nod, letting me know he'll take care of it.
I settle in at the bar to wait, in no hurry to return to the booth.
I smell Parker before I see her. My entire body reacts to that sugary scent.
"Hey," she says, sliding onto the barstool beside me.
I ignore her, hoping she'll take the hint and move along. Jonas will kick my ass if he finds out I was rude to her, but he'll be more pissed if he finds out my dick hasn't gone down since I set eyes on her.
"You don't say much, do you?"
"I talk when I want to talk."
"Ah, so you just don't want to talk to me," she guesses.
"Didn't say that." I stare straight ahead, trying not to look at her. If I look at her, I'll think about how soft her skin is. If I think about that, I'll want to touch her. If I think about touching her, my dick is never going down.
"You don't have to say something for it to be true."
"And not saying it doesn't make it true."