Page 210 of Playing for Keeps
Naturally, everyone turns to me with matching expectant expressions. As if I have an inside scoop on who is on Kelsey's bad side now. With this team, it's anyone's guess. They'll never admit it, but I'm convinced they only get into half the trouble they do because they like trying to make her head explode. Every man on this team would walk through hell for her, but they're like brothers…incapable of making it through a day without doing something to annoy her.
She pretends she hates it, but I know better. She'd fight dragons for every single one of these guys. Hell, she has fought dragons for them.
"Contrary to popular belief, I don't know everything," I mutter, leaning down to tighten the lace on my skate.
"You could if you'd handle your shit already," Theo says bluntly.
"What he said," Wes agrees.
"And not like that bullshit you tried to pull the other day in the locker room but actually handled it," Theo adds as if he's some wizened elder instead of a motherfucker who was in the same boat I'm in now just a few weeks ago himself.
"There's nothing to handle."
"Been there, said that," Theo mutters.
"Same," Jonas agrees, holding out his fist for Theo to bump.
I glare at both of them. Everyone knows how I feel about Kelsey. They know how she feels about me, too. The thing is…they don't know everything. They don't know that I kissed her. They don't know she melted in my arms when I did it. And they have no clue that we fucked in the conference room. They don't know I made her come in the hall last night, either.
I have no intention of telling them. She'd skin me alive.
"Does she seem off to anyone else, or is it just me?" Gray asks.
Shit. I'm not the only one who's noticed that she's not been acting like herself. I don't think it has anything to do with me, either. She seems…exhausted. As if she's been working too hard and sleeping too little. Part of me worries that I keep her up at night. But my gut says it's not.
"She didn't make me scrub the toilets yesterday."
"She's definitely off," Wes agrees, stealing Theo's water when he turns his back and quickly squirting an entire bottle of lemon drops into it. "She didn't even threaten to kill me when I texted her first thing this morning. She didn't answer me at all. She just left me on read. Rude, by the way."
"She left me on read this morning too." Theo turns back around just as Wes replaces his water and drops back down ontothe bench, trying to appear innocent. Either Theo doesn't notice, or he buys it because he barely spares him a glance.
"I'd leave your dumbasses on read, too," Kellan snorts, shaking his dark head.
"You text her just as much as we do," Jonas points out.
"Uh, no. I've got other things to do."
"Is that why you've been so sketchy lately? You're acting suspicious as fuck." Jonas narrows his eyes at Kellan. "Are you fucking someone?"
"What? No." A flash of guilt flickers through Kellan's expression before he manages to school it. I don't think Jonas sees it, though. I make a note to pull Kellan aside later and find out what—and who—he's doing that has him wearing that look. The last thing we need is for him to run afoul of one of his teammates during Playoffs.
"You are fucking someone!" Jonas booms, rubbing his hands together like a kid about to break into the cookie jar. "Who is she? Did you meet her at the sex club? You did, didn't you?" Apparently, he and Kellan visited a BDSM club recently, trying to locate Jonas's little sister. I don't know why Jonas thought she was there. With him, it's better not to ask many questions.
"Stay out of my business and stop changing the subject, fucker." Kellan points at him and then sweeps his finger around to encompass the rest of our teammates. "You're all mostly married. Why aren't you annoying the fuck out of your wives instead of Kelsey?"
"Mostly married?" Theo quirks a brow. "I'm pretty sure we're all-the-way fucking married."
Kellan just shrugs by way of an answer.
"Pretty sure their wives prefer they annoy Kelsey," Logan says, skating up. "Speaking of Kelsey, what's up with her? She's being weird."
Gray throws out his arms in a "See? I fucking told you so!" gesture. Everyone looks at me. Again.
"Run it back to the part when I said I don't know everything," I mutter, hauling myself to my feet. "And then get your asses on the ice. We're skating fire drills until Couch gets here. That'll give you plenty of time to think about Kelsey since you all have so much free time to worry about her."
A collective groan goes up from the group.
That's what the bastards get for annoying my woman so goddamn much.