Page 21 of Playing for Keeps
"Your house is…" Laneytrails off, clearly searching for a polite way to say it's ostentatious. She's not wrong. It's ridiculously large, with enough space to house the entire team. But I bought the place because it's isolated, sitting on a five-thousand-acre lot in Belle Meade outside of Percy Warner Park. My nearest neighbor is miles away.
"Ridiculously large?" I suggest.
"That's one way to put it," she mumbles, which makes me smile. "It's beautiful but big. I would hate to clean this place." Her nose wrinkles. "I guess you probably don't have to do that, though."
"I've been known to wash a dish or two in my time."
"Yeah? Should I give you a gold star?" she sasses, giving me a sarcastic smirk I want to kiss off her adorable face.
Seeing her in my space is appealing in ways I did not expect. The way she explores, looking at all of my shit, and teasing me about it is a hell of a turn-on. She's completely at ease, unapologetic as she prowls through things, picking them up to look at them before moving on to something else.
We've been in the library for the last hour. I think it may take a miracle to get her out of here. She fell in love as soon as I opened the door. She can stay forever as far as I'm concerned. This place feels a hell of a lot less lonely with her lighting it up. I'm already dreading when she leaves.
"Or is a ring more your style?" she says, batting those long lashes at me again. "I can't afford to get you one of those fancy championship rings, Mr. Player of the Year, hashtag 2018, but I can get you a plastic one from a Dora cupcake. They're roughly the same size."
"Smart ass," I mutter, shaking my head at her. I can't help but smile. She loves fucking with me just because she can. I never know what's going to come out of her mouth. I don't think she does, either. Shit just pops out, surprising us both. I think I've laughed more today than I ever have. I knew yesterday that she was going to change my life. I did not expect it to be such a ride, though.
I'm quickly creeping toward obsession. I want to hear every thought in her head, and know every little detail about her life. She's completely enchanted me, and I don't want her to stop. There's something beautiful in her…not just her gorgeous face and curvy body, but something inside her. Some spark of life, of fire, that burns bright and hot, calling to something in me.
She's loud and messy and sarcastic and so damn sweet. My girl is comfortable with who she is and doesn't care what anyonethinks about her. Despite just losing her dad, she's full of life and happy. I'm falling so hard for every little piece of her.
"Come on," I murmur, reaching for her hand again. "I need to feed you."
Touching her is addictive. The way my body hums when we're skin to skin is fascinating. She feels it too. Every time I touch her, she shivers and her expression melts. My dick has been painfully, permanently erect since I picked her up this morning.
"You're going to cook for me?" she asks, smiling up at me as I lead her out of the library. Her smile is so damn sweet. Christ, every time she looks at me with those bright eyes shining and that smile, I fall a little harder.
"Depends on who your favorite player is."
I growl at her, which makes her giggle.
"I'm just kidding, caveman. I mean, he's hot and all, but he's not you." That pretty blush stains her cheeks again. "I may or may not have had a tiny crush on you."
"Nothing tiny about me, angel."
"You're ridiculous," she says, rolling her eyes at me again.
I rub my thumb over her knuckles, happy as hell she has a thing for me. I definitely have one for her, and it's growing bigger by the minute. And I'm not talking about my dick, though he's growing by the minute too.
"Seriously though. You know how to cook?"
"Why? You worried I'll poison you?"
"I'm more likely to poison you," she says with a little laugh.
"You don't cook?"
"I try to cook but it never ends well. Did you know Ramen is flammable?" She looks at me with wide eyes, her expression traumatized. "I didn't know."
"Jesus." I throw my head back and laugh.
"You wouldn't be laughing had you seen it," she mutters. "Dad had to buy a new stove and hire someone to replace the cabinet. It tookweeksto get the smell out of the house."
"You set the stove on fire?"