Page 189 of Playing for Keeps
And then he drops me.
We shout together as ecstasy shoots through me, leaving me writhing on his cock. I claw at his arms, sobbing his name. He feels so damn good. I missed this. God, it hasn't even been eight hours since he was in me, and I missed him.
He takes me hard, driving into me again and again. All I can do is cling to him and plead for more. Our mouths slide together and dance apart as he swallows my moans and gives me his breath, forging me into someone stronger, someone braver, someone free to love this fierce, wild man with no fear in my heart and no ultimatums hanging over my head.
It's loud and messy and perfect. Exactly like Jonas. Except there's so much more to him than that. He's the center of everything, the fire that never goes out, the light that never dies. He's oxygen, the one damn thing on this planet that I need to survive.
"I love you," I moan as ripples grow to shockwaves and a riptide of ecstasy drags me under. "I love you."
We come together, with Jonas shouting my name into the room loudly enough for the entire arena to hear. I don't care. Let them.
This man is finally all mine.
Chapter Eleven
"Idon't think Ishould be back here," Jamie whispers, clinging to my hand as I drag her down the hall of the arena toward the locker room early the next morning. "Um, maybe I should just wait out here."
"No," I say, my voice firm. "You're going in with me."
"Jonas." She stops walking, digging in her heels.
She's stubborn, I'll give her that. But I'm a helluva lot bigger than her. And a helluva lot more stubborn. Plus, I want her in that locker room a lot more than she wants to stay out of it. So this is one battle of wills I'll easily win.
I bend, scooping her up into my arms.
"Put me down!" she cries, trying to squirm free.
"Settle down, or I'll be fucking you up against the lockers where every single one of my teammates can hear you screaming my name, baby girl," I growl in her ear.
She immediately goes limp in my arms. But not before she elbows me in the ribcage. She's beautiful even when she's pouting.
"They don't hate you."
She harumphs like she thinks I'm full of shit, but I'm not. My teammates don't hate her. They never did. Most never even disliked her. They didn't trust her, but that's not the same thing. Now that they know what's been going on, most see things a lot differently. I spent half of the night on the phone, dealing with her fucking former boss and bringing everyone up to speed. Theo, Gray, Wes, Logan, and Kellan were ready to storm her offices to knock heads with me. But I don't think that'll be necessary.
Money talks, and we've got a whole helluva lot of that between us. Her boss won't have a job by the end of the day. Not if her former network ever wants another goddamn interview or exclusive with any of us. Unless he goes, we do. Kelsey broke the news to them last night. I wanted to do it myself, but she convinced me to let her handle it.
See? I can be reasonable.
If I ever see Darren Smith, all bets are off, though. His ass will never work in another newsroom again. My personal mission in life is to ensure that shit. I will haunt him like a fucking wraith to ensure it never happens. He has no business being in a position of authority over anyone ever again. He doesn't deserve the right.
I pull open the door to the locker room, a familiar wall of sound washing over me.
"Get back here, you thieving little bastard!" Wes yells, leaping over a bench in his boxers.
Logan streaks through the locker room with Wes's phone over his head, his dick swinging. "Finders, keepers, losers…holy shit. There's a woman in the locker room."
"Put some fucking clothes on," I growl, covering Jamie's eyes with my hand. Why can't my teammates ever act like normal human beings? Oh, right. Because they're all demented lunatics. I'm the only normal one. Obviously.
Complete silence falls over the locker room, all eyes turning in our direction. Kellan shakes his head, a grin playing at his lips. Something is up with him. He's been smiling way too fucking much lately. It's not natural.
"Hey, Jamie," Gray says. "Good to see you." He snorts laughter. "Not that you can say the same or anything."
"Um, hi."
"Hey, Jamie," Theo mutters, leaning up against the lockers. Even though he hasn't been cleared to play, he'll still dress out with us today.