Page 184 of Playing for Keeps
Kellan wipes a hand down his face to hide a smirk.
"Whatever," I mutter, flipping them all off before I chug the rest of my Gatorade.
"Holy shit, Jonas got laid," Logan says.
Gray and Kellan both whip their heads in my direction, staring me down. I avoid their gazes, tossing my bottle toward the trashcan beside the bench. I'm not talking to them about Jamie. Not like this. What happens between us is our goddamn business, not theirs. She isn't a puck bunny. She isn't a quick fuck.
I'm in love with her. I've been in love with her for months now, and I'm only falling deeper.
"He did get laid," Gray says, shock in his voice. "Holy shit. Who is she?"
"She isn't your business," I growl.
"Do we know her? Is she hot?" Logan waggles his brows. "Is she a puck bunny?"
"If you want to keep your teeth, shut the fuck up," I warn him, shoving my hands behind my back to keep from grabbing him by his jersey.
He holds his hands up, smirking.
Son of a bitch. He set me up for that one.
"So she isn't a puck bunny," he says softly. "She means something to you."
I look at him and then at Gray and Kellan, who are both watching me curiously. Gray is smirking in amusement. Kellan doesn't seem surprised. He knew something was up when I found him after I sent Jamie home atDionysus. He didn't ask any questions, though. Kellan rarely asks questions. He minds his own fucking business.
"Yeah, she means something," I say quietly, not lying to them. I won't hide her from them. I won't lie about her to them. She and I are happening, regardless of what anyone thinks or has to say about it. I just want to give her a heads-up before I announce it to the world. She should have a say before her world descends into chaos…and it will inevitably descend into chaos. People pay way too much fucking attention to who we date.
Like Theo. Apparently, he finally claimed his girl, Charlotte, and the whole goddamn world is going crazy trying to find out who she is. We closed practice today because of it.
"Hey, Girl Scouts!" Wes shouts. "Are you going to quit gossiping so we can get back to practice, or should I build a fucking campfire for you?"
"Is anyone else ready to beat him with his own damn stick?" Kellan mutters, narrowing his eyes at Wes, who's glaring at us from across the ice.
"Fuck yes," I growl.
"Tootles, fucker," Wes says,smirking at me as he snatches the puck off the end of my stick and takes off at a dead sprint down the ice. The bastard is fast. He's also playing like his damn life depends on it. Impending fatherhood has given him way too much energy.
I growl a curse and take off after him with Gray and Kellan a few yards behind me.
"Go, Wes!" Laney shouts from the stands as our skates cut across the ice, rapidly closing the distance between us and the goal. The puck dances along the end of Wes's stick as he expertly maneuvers it to take a shot.
I'm too far behind to close the distance.
He lines up and shoots.
The puck whistles through the air, leaving the ice.
Logan throws himself to the left at the last minute, his glove extended.
The puck smashes into it with a sharpthwack.
"Shit," Wes growls. "He is not missing today."
"And you're mad about it?" I ask, my skate throwing up ice as I stop beside him. "He's not supposed to miss, jackass. Goalie stops the puck, remember?"
"Yeah, but pissing you off is a lot easier when he misses." Wes smirks at me, his light eyes dancing with humor.
I shake my head, chuckling. "You're an asshole."