Page 179 of Playing for Keeps
"You should stay," I disagree, slipping my hand between her legs, willing to use whatever I have to use to get her to agree.
She arches into my hand, mewling like a little kitten.
"Stay with me, angel. Let me hold you tonight," I croon in her ear, stroking her swollen clit. "Let me take care of you."
"Jonas." She wants to say yes. I know she does.
"I need you in my bed, baby girl."
"Yes," she moans.
I smile against her throat, my fucking heart trying to burst out of my chest.
I can't wait until she's mine permanently and I never have to let her go again.
I can't fucking wait until every single one of her secrets is mine.
"What time do youget off today?" I ask early the next morning, reluctant to let her go. It's too fucking early, but she has to be at work in two hours, and I have practice. It's going to be a long goddamn day.I'd rather call out dead and stay here permanently. But we have a Cup to win. And she has shit to do too. Adulting is bullshit.
It's making me cranky as fuck.
Or maybe the fact that we barely slept all night is doing that. I don't know. I didn't let her rest all night. I should probably feel bad about that, but I'm an asshole, and I don't. I couldn't keep my dick out of her.
"Um, I'm not sure," she says, scraping her hair back into a messy bun, avoiding my gaze. "I have some behind-the-scenes stuff this morning, and then we're supposed to film this afternoon. The day can run long. Darren makes us do fifteen different takes just because he can."
"That's your boss?" I ask, dumping protein powder into the blender. I try to sound casual but end up growling the question. Sue me. I don't like the prick, not since Kelsey told me that he's mean to my girl. Not since I've picked up the subtle hints that Jamie's been dropping about the way he treats her. I should have known this shit long before now. It pisses me off that I didn't.
I need to handle the situation. I make a mental note to deal with it after practice today. He won't be around to steal her light much longer.
"Darren Smith," she says, a furrow between her brows. "My executive producer."
"You don't like him."
She shrugs. "He's fine, I guess."
She can't stand the prick, but like so much else, my girl holds her cards close to her vest. She doesn't reveal her secrets easily or make waves. She doesn't want to be a problem. It pisses me off that anyone ever made her feel that way…thatIever made her feel that way. Fuck that. She isn't a problem, and she may have to be nice to the bastard, but I don't. I fully intend to learn everything there is to know about the motherfucker and then make sure he never works in sports media again. If he treatsher poorly, chances are he's done it before, and he'll do it again. People like that don't change.
Kelsey was right. My teammates and I do live in a privileged world. We have opportunities others don't, simply because of the money in our bank accounts and the appendages between our legs. I can't ignore that or the responsibility that comes with it. I can't change the entire fucking world and make it fair, but I can ease the burden from this woman's shoulders, at least. And, hopefully, from the shoulders of the women who come after her.
I'm not telling her until the issue is handled, though. I don't want her stressing about it.
"Spend the night with me tonight," I murmur, pulling her into my arms.
She tilts her head back to stare up at me. "You want me here with you?"
"Fuck yeah," I growl. "Otherwise, I'm sleeping at your place."
"You wouldn't fit in my bed."
Yeah, that's not going to work for me.
"Then you need to move in here."
She gapes at me.
I gently close her mouth with a finger beneath her chin. "I told you last night that I wasn't coming up for air once I got you naked. I meant it. If we're in the same city, I'm not sleeping without you, baby girl."
Especially now that I know what it's like to ride that soft little body straight to heaven. I will be doing that as often as possible for the next ninety years. Fucking hell, I knew sex with her would be incredible, but I did not expect it to blow my damn mind.