Page 177 of Playing for Keeps
"Fuck," he groans, resting his head against mine. "Fuck, angel. Nothing is supposed to feel this goddamn good." His lips brush my shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"Are you in?"
"I've given you as much cock as you're getting, Jamie."
I don't like that answer. I want it all.
"You aren't ready for all ten inches."
"Then get me ready, Jonas," I demand. "I want it."
"Fuck," he growls, spearing his hand into my hair again. He pulls my head back, forcing me to look at him. "You don't make the rules here, baby. I do. You get what I give you."
I lick my lips, eyeing his. I want him to kiss me right now.
His gaze falls to my lips, hot and hungry. He growls a curse, slanting his lips down on mine. He kisses me hard. "I can't fucking tell you no," he mutters, biting my lip. Our tongues twist together in a searing kiss before he breaks away from my mouth. "Cheek to the pillow, angel. I need to fuck you."
I drop back down beneath him, pressing my cheek to the cool pillow.
He stays still for a long moment, torturing us both. Right when I'm sure I can't take it anymore, he groans and begins to move. Shallow thrusts drag his body away from mine before bringing him right back. His cock glides along my inner walls, brand new sensations rocketing through me.
I gasp in shock, in awe.
"Grind your little cunt against the mattress," Jonas growls, nipping my earlobe. "Help me get you there before I claim your womb, angel."
I rock beneath him, obeying his command...though it's really not necessary. Every time he thrusts into me, my clit drags against the bed, driving me closer to an orgasm.
"This is what you wanted, Jamie," he says. "Every time you touched yourself, thinking about me, this is what you were fantasizing about." He strokes deeper and harder, giving me a little bit more of him. "This is what you've been missing, baby girl."
"No. It was more. It was all of you, Jonas."
"Fuck." He goes still and then shudders. Two seconds later, he's flipping me onto my back. His searing eyes meet mine. "You hold all the fucking power," he growls, yanking my leg up over his hip.
When he thrusts back into me, he doesn't try to take it easy on me this time. He gives me all of him, impaling me on his cock. His eyes blaze like twin pools of midnight flame, his hands pinning mine to the mattress. He claims my mouth and claims my soul in one fell swoop, driving his hips into me again and again.
I throw my head back, sobbing in ecstasy. This is what I fantasized about. This is what I wanted. Him taking what's always belonged to him. What will always belong to him.
"Give me that womb, baby girl," he breathes against my lips. "Let me have what's mine to take."
I babble in ecstasy, so damn close I feel the edges of my orgasm rolling over me like a bank of fog creeping over the city. Everything grows hazy, the impending eruption too damn big to ignore. Too damn powerful to hold off. But I try to hold it off anyway. I don't want this to end. I want to stay right here in his arms forever. I want to feel him inside me forever.
He knows what I'm doing. Somehow, he senses me trying to stave it off.
He shifts positions, forcing him in deeper. I feel the tip of his erection tap against my cervix. The foreign sensation pulls a shocked cry from my lips. My body goes slack beneath his, my concentration broken.
"Come on my fucking cock now," he growls, his teeth closing around my nipple.
It's a good thing his closest neighbors are miles away. I scream as the cord snaps, plunging me headfirst into a powerful orgasm. It tears through me, knocking me breathless.
Jonas roars in triumph, losing his rhythm as he drives into me, fucking me straight from one orgasm into another. I don't think I breathe a single time as his powerful thrusts rattle the bedframe beneath us, and he does exactly what he set out to do. He claims my womb, pumping his hips as he releases inside me, growling my name.
He leaves my thighs covered in him, leaves me drowning in him, and somehow, leaves me even deeper in love with him than I was to begin with.
When he finally falls beside me, he drags me into his arms, clinging like he's never letting me go. His heart pounds against my breasts, his face pressed to my throat.
"Damn," he breathes in my ear, running a hand down my back. "Damn, angel."
"Yeah," I whisper, pretty sure he just summed up exactly how I feel.Damn.