Page 173 of Playing for Keeps
"You'll know when you see it." I run my lips across her bare shoulder, marveling at how damn soft and sweet she is. Even here, where her shoulder blade curves into her upper arm, she's soft. And yet she's a warrior too, fearlessly chasing a dream in a field that says she doesn't belong and isn't wanted. One that says she's unwelcome, incapable of doing more than reporting on bullshit gossip. She keeps her head up no matter what this field throws at her. No matter how much shit we give her.
I fuckinghatethat I added to that. I'll regret for the rest of my life that I was too goddamn busy seeing things through my own perspective to consider how this world looks to her. How it feels to her. We treat her like an outsider because that's the role she's been forced into. We judge her for it because it's what she has to do to get where she's going. She deserves better. She'salwaysdeserved better.
Why the fuck didn't I see that until it was almost too late?
"Jonas," she gasps, the remote falling from her slack hands when she finally finds my secret. She turns to face me, shock stamped across every delicate feature of her face.
"You aren't the only one always watching," I murmur, slipping my hand beneath her shirt to place it against her abdomen. I need to feel her skin against mine. "Every segment you've been in, every single show since the very beginning, I've watched."
"Why?" The question bursts from her lips as if she can't wrap her mind around the possibility that she isn't the only one who has been falling from afar. Her wide gray eyes and shocked expression are so fucking cute I almost laugh. Except my heart is beating too goddamn hard for that.
"Because I'm not fucking pretending when it comes to you," I growl, wrapping my hand around the back of her neck to drag her mouth down to mine. "Because I don't give a fuck if you tell the world I was in that club or not. I didn't ask you to dinner tonight because I'm trying to keep that secret, Jamie. I asked because I'm fucking tired of keepingthissecret."
I claim her mouth, showing her exactly what I mean. Her lips part beneath mine on a sigh of surrender, opening to me. My entire soul responds, quivering in delight. I've known joy. Shit yeah, I have. The moment my name was called in the draft. The first time an arena full of people screamed my name. Every single time we've brought home the Cup. These are moments that I'll remember when I'm too goddamn old and gray to crawl my ass from bed, let alone lace a pair of skates. But this one tops them. This one is true joy, the kind that seeps into your soul and plants roots.Thisis purpose.
I lick into her mouth, desperate to possess and lay claim to every inch of her mouth. I want it to belong to me and me alone. No one else should ever kiss her like this or know the greedy sounds she makes. They should never know the way she clings tomy shoulders and wriggles on my lap. They should never know her like this, not when she's mine. And sheismine.
I feel the truth quaking in my soul and roaring in my bones.This girl is mine.
"Jonas," she breathes against my lips, plucking at my shirt. "Jonas."
"You want it off?"
I break away from her mouth long enough to oblige her sweet plea, ripping my shirt off over my head. As soon as it's gone, my mouth is on hers again. I can't help it. Her kisses are addictive. Her hands slip along my shoulders and then down my bare arms.
"Fuck," I growl, my damn eyes threatening to roll back in my head. I never fucking knew simple touch could be so goddamn erotic. Hers sends smoke signals straight to my cock. Her palms glide against my skin, crackling with electricity. "If you keep that up, I won't be feeding you dinner, baby girl."
"Who needs food?" she whispers.
Well, shit. Now she's speaking my language.
I drag her closer, letting her feel how hard I am for her, how hard she makes me. "Be damn sure I'm what you want before you say yes, angel. If I get you naked, I'm not coming up for air. I'm going to gorge myself on you, and I'm not going to stop."
She pulls back, and my fucking heart stops beating.
Right up until I see the smile dancing on her lips and the heat in her gray eyes.
"Get me naked, Jonas," she says. "Gorge yourself on me.Please."
I growl, lifting her into my arms.
She laughs as I bound to my feet, already storming toward the stairs.
Chapter Six
"You're so fucking beautiful,"Jonas says, carrying me straight to his bedroom. I'm so caught up in him that I see little more of his space than dark wood, bold, masculine colors, and the gigantic bed sitting in the center of the room.
He doesn't let me go until I'm on my back beneath him, sinking into the luxury of his bed. He follows me down, crawling over me like he's incapable of pulling his body away from mine.
I know the feeling. I never want to experience the world again without his weight on top of me because this right here is heaven. He surrounds me, completely shutting out the entire world.
The back of his hand runs down the side of my face, trembling ever so faintly. "I've been blinded by you for months. But I never thought I'd actually get you in this bed."
"Here I am," I whisper, smiling up at him.