Page 164 of Playing for Keeps
"Maybe," she whispers. "Um…maybe."
I blink, shocked. Like me, Veronica is a virgin. Though for her, it hasn't been for lack of opportunity. Men throw themselves at her. Or, rather, at her fortune. She's guarded her heart closely because of it, refusing to let anyone close. If she thinks she met someone, it's a big deal.
"Was he good to you? Did you have fun?" I ask, trying not to pry even though I'm dying to know every detail.
"Yes, and yes." She laughs quietly. "Um, I'm actually still at the club with him."
"You're still there?" I pull the phone away from my face to look at the time. It's fifteen minutes until seven. Okay. I am totally prying. "I want to know everything. Lunch today?"
"Tomorrow? I have plans today."
"Okay," I say slowly, and then frown. "I want his name, please."
"Are you going to be nosy?"
She laughs quietly. "It's Drew Grimme."
I grab a pen and scribble the name down, determined to look him up. Either he's a member or the guest of a member. It's the only way intoDionysus. So he shouldn't be too hard to find.
My office door flies open. Darren barges in, his ruddy face set and his blue eyes snapping with anger. My stomach sinks. It's way too early to deal with whatever has his panties in a bunch. I haven't even finished my dang coffee.
"I gotta go, Roni. I'll call you later." I quickly disconnect, slipping my phone into my pocket. "Good morning, Darren."
He grunts, slapping a folder down on my desk. "Care to explain this to me, Jamie?"
"Explain what?" I ask far more calmly than I feel. Surely, whatever is in that folder has nothing to do with Jonas andDionysus. There's no way news leaked already!
"Look in the damn folder."
I reluctantly flip it open, steeling myself for the worst. A sheaf of photos spills out.
"Whoa," I whisper, scooping them up. Theo Kline, Jonas's teammate has a woman wrapped around him on his front porch, his hands on her ass. They're both fully clothed, but he has her up against the side of the house with her legs around his hips. The photos are racy as hell. "Who is she?"
"That's exactly what I payyouto know," Darren snaps, jabbing a beefy finger at the stack of photos. "And I pay you to be thefirstto know. So why aren't you the first to know?"
"Uh, because I don't have the paparazzi hiding outside of his house?" I ask, gaping at Darren like he's lost his mind. I hold thephotos up. "They took these at his home after dark, Darren. We don't have photographers stalking them twenty-four-seven."
"That's right. We don't. Because gossip isyourjob, sweetheart." He flicks a condescending gaze at me. "If a story this simple is too much for you to handle, perhaps we should bring in someone capable of getting the job done."
I gape at him, my blood boiling. Part of me wants to tell him to take the whole segment and shove it. The rest of me doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he won. He's been trying to push me out of the door since ESPN signed the segment into their lineup. If it weren't for that, I think I would have walked away already. But I don't want to let him win. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he beat me.
"I don't need another pretty face and fat ass around here, Jamie. So I suggest you put that Harvard education of yours to work and find out who she is," he barks, stomping toward the door. "Now, Jamie."
As soon as the door slams behind him, I drop into my chair, my hands shaking in fury.
I have to get out of here. This place is sucking the soul out of me.Darrenis sucking the soul out of me.
I glance down at the photos of Theo and his mystery woman and heave a sigh. Maybe Jonas is right, and I am the enemy. Because I'm pretty sure the girl in those photos is Theo's soon-to-be step-cousin, Charlotte Mabry. And I'm also pretty sure he's been in love with her for a while. Jonas will never see me as anything but a gossip reporter if I out that relationship to the world.
"Crap on a cracker," I groan. I hate my job.
Chapter Three
"Ican explain."