Page 148 of Playing for Keeps
"What happened today?" Iask.
"Nu-uh," Theo growls, slamming the front door closed behind us. As soon as he does, he turns, stalking across the foyer toward me like a panther. "I'll tell you everything you want to know. But if I'm not inside you right now, I'm going to lose my mind, little one."
"You already did that," I remind him, and then squeal when he growls and lunges toward me. I try to evade him, but he's bigger, faster, and far more determined than me. He scoops me up into his arms before I even make it two steps.
I land over his shoulder again, my hair in my face, obscuring my view.
"I'm not potatoes, Theo Kline!" I shout, smacking his ass.
"I plan to eat you for lunch anyway."
"You're so cheesy."
"Nah, baby doll. I'm just speaking facts. I'm eating you for lunch," he says, laying his hand across my bottom as he starts up the stairs. "When I'm done, I'm fucking you while you tell me how much you love me. After that, I'm going to tell you what went down today. And then I'm going to fuck you again, just in case you forget how good I make you feel between rounds."
"So you have my day all planned out, huh?" I ask.
He waits until we're in the bedroom and I'm standing in front of him to answer me. "No," he says, hooking his fingers into my waistband to pull me toward him. "I have our whole future planned out."
"Yeah?" I fight a smile, trying not to let him know he has me dying of curiosity. I can't make this too easy for him. It'll give him a big head. And we've already established that he has brain damage, so I don't think adding to his brain problems is a very good idea. "What if I have my own plans for my future, Theo?"
"Do they include me?" he asks, eyes narrowed on me.
He growls at me and yanks me toward him, causing me to topple into him. I land against his chest with a soft thud. "They damn well better include me, Charlotte," he says, plunging his hand into my hair to angle my head. "I'll follow you to the ends of the earth if that's what I have to do to convince you that you're mine."
"Yeah?" I press my breasts against his chest, leaning up on my tiptoes. "There's just one problem with that, Theo."
"What problem?"
"I already know I'm yours," I whisper in his ear. Maybe we're both crazy. I don't care. This crazy, beautiful, brilliant man is all mine. And I'm all his. I don't want anyone else to ever touch me. They could never compete with Theo even if they tried. How could they when I'm pretty sure he's taken up root in my soul? He's growing in there, clinging to every inch of it.
"Goddamn, I like the way that sounds," he breathes before crashing his mouth down on mine. He kisses me like he hasn't kissed me in years, throwing everything he has into it. And oh my goodness, I'm in serious trouble with this man. My knees wobble as he kisses me senseless and sets me ablaze at the same time.
I kiss him back the same way, desperate for him to know that he's not the only one caught up in this thing between us. I am too, like a butterfly in a net. No matter how I twist and turn, I can't get loose again. So I'm not trying anymore.
"Make love to me," I plead, biting his lower lip as the ache in my belly grows unbearable. It doesn't take long with him. He seems to know exactly how to kiss me to make me ache. I love it so much.
We work together to get our clothes off. I almost fall on my face twice, but he catches me both times, steadying me with his hands on my body. I think he was designed for me. He was made big and strong and powerful, as if God or the universe orsomethingknew how much I would need him to tether me. He does it so easily. With him, I'm not clumsy. I don't feel like a disaster. I'm just me. And that's enough.
"Theo," I moan, writhing beneath that wicked mouth. He doesn't take any time getting it on me. As soon as our clothes are off, we're on the bed, and he's between my legs, eating me. He's rude about it, making a mess of us. He's filthy about it too, saying all sorts of delightful things that make me burn hotter.
When he curls his fingers up and touches that magical place inside, I explode apart with his name on my lips. He sends me flying so high it steals my breath. I float back to earth and land in his arms.
"There you are," he breathes, nuzzling his face into my throat. "Did that feel good?"
"Yes," I whisper, wrapping my arms and legs around him like a Koala bear.
He kisses the pulse still hammering in my throat and then my lips. I taste myself on him and moan, my core heating again. Everything this man does is sexy to me. It's like he's a walking, talking aphrodisiac made just for me.
"Can I say it now?"
"Not yet."
"Theo," I whine. If he doesn't let me say it soon, I'm going to explode. And then he'll have to glue me back together before I can say it. Is that his plan? To drive me crazy before I say it? "You're stalling, aren't you?"