Page 140 of Playing for Keeps
"Might need you to help me bury her landlord."
"Shit, you tell me when and where, I'll bring the shovels and dig the hole," he says.
Hopefully, it won't come to that. I'm guessing if he did it to her, he's done it before. Someone knows all his dirty secrets. I plan to sniff them all out and then use them to bury him. He won't get an opportunity to get near Charlotte again. He won't get an opportunity to creep on any other woman, either.
"I'll let you know," I say, finishing my coffee.
"Good deal." He places his palms on the table to haul himself to his feet.
"Uncle John!" Charlotte cries before he can. We both look up to see her standing in the doorway, her face bright with happiness at the sight of her uncle. She looks like an angel. Her hair is a tangled mess around her face. Her pretty blue eyes are still sleepy, a pillow crease on her cheek. Unlike me, she's actually dressed in sleep shorts and a t-shirt. I smile when I see that it's one of mine. My name stretches across her tits. It looks damn good on her.
Huh. No wonder Wes is always buying Laney gear with his name all over it.
Charlotte rushes into the kitchen to hug her uncle. I snag her around the waist before she can run past me, drawing her up short.
"Theo, what are you–?"
I cut her off by kissing her.
"You can't kiss me in front of my uncle!" she cries, damn near kneeing me in the dick as she tries to squirm out of my hold.
"I can. I did," I growl, making John chuckle. Guess he really is over his little fit about me claiming his niece. I have no doubts he's going to give me shit and threaten my life on the daily, but he's not trying to take her anymore, so I'm good. "You're mine, Charlotte. I'll kiss you when I damn well please."
"You're so bossy," she complains, scowling up at me. She huffs, blowing pieces of hair out of her face. "I'm mad at you anyway."
"Yeah?" I grin at her. "Why?"
"Um, no reason," she squeaks, blushing bright red.
I know exactly why she's mad at me. I wouldn't let her come last night when I got her back to the bed after dinner. She fought me like a little hellcat, which is precisely why her claw marks adorn my back. She's a little spitfire when she's horny. But her uncle doesn't need to know that.
"Go say hi to your uncle, little one," I murmur, kissing her on the forehead and then her lips. "I'm going to get ready to go to the stadium."
"Kay," she whispers, her eyes glassy.
I kiss her again and then release her.
"John," I say, jerking my chin in a nod. "Good to see you."
"You too," he grunts, following my lead.
Charlotte doesn't need to know he came here ready to kick my ass. It'll just stress her out and upset her. And I have a feeling she's going to be stressed enough when I make her go with me to the stadium to check in with the doc.
"Wait," Charlotte hisses, hernails digging into my hand as she locks her knees in place like a stubborn little mule. "What if I say something crazy?"
"Then I'll say something crazier," I say with a shrug. She's worried as hell about meeting my teammates. It's a needlessworry. If anyone should be worried here, it's me. They're going to love her, which is going to piss me off. Besides, they're all batshit crazy anyway. There's nothing she can say that will ever be as wild as half the shit they say on a daily basis.
"What if they don't like me?" she asks.
"Then they don't deserve you."
"Theo, I'm serious!"
"So am I, little one," I murmur, tipping her chin up until she looks at me. "Only an idiot looks at you and finds something to dislike. If they don't like you, fuck 'em. They don't deserve to know you." They may be my teammates and my friends, but she's my heart. We're a package deal now. I'll burn every bridge I've built to protect her if that's what it takes. But I know that's not going to be necessary. My teammates are idiots, but they aren't complete morons.
"Theo," she whispers, her expression melting.
"They're going to love you," I promise, leaning down to nibble on her lips. "They're going to piss me off about fifteen thousand times by trying to hug you and talk to you and shit. They're all bastards. Every single one of them. But they'll love you." More importantly, they'll help me protect her. From her landlord, from her mother, from any cloud that tries to darken her skies.