Page 120 of Playing for Keeps
"Ineed a favor,"Theo says, eyeing me over the rim of his coffee mug.
"What kind of favor?" I ask. He's been weird this morning. And by weird, I mean less scowly than usual. He's also been more bossy than usual…which is exactly why I'm eating Cheerios in his kitchen like this is normal. It is not normal.
For one, my kitchen is dark and windowless. His is bathed in soft sunlight that makes me feel like a kitten sunbathing in the window. Plus, I don't even have panties on! I'm pretty sure he stole them while I was in the bathroom. When I came out, they were missing. And he was smirking. I tried to question him about them, but he kissed me until I forgot my own name. He's really good at kissing me stupid.
"I need you to move in with me."
I suck a Cheerio down the wrong pipe. My spoon clatters against the bowl as I hack and wheeze, trying to cough it back up. By the time I finally do, my eyes are watering and my throat burns like I just smoked a whole carton of cigarettes.
"Careful, little one," Theo says, concern in his gaze.
"I'm fine," I wheeze. I am not fine. I think I'm having auditory hallucinations. "I'm not fine. I'm hearing things. I thought you said you needed me to move in here."
"You aren't hearing things," he says, casually sipping from his coffee mug. "I do need you to move in with me."
"We need to call an ambulance," I say, staring at him like he's lost his mind. I'm pretty sure he has. Isn't that what happens to football players? They get concussions and then brain damage and all sorts of bad things happen. I bet it happens to hockey players too. "You may have brain damage."
"I don't have brain damage," he growls. Aha! There's that scowl. I knew it'd reappear at some point. "You're not going back to your apartment. I don't give a fuck if your landlord repairs the damage or not. You aren't living anywhere near him, Charlotte."
"Then I'll move back to campus."
I slam my hands down on my hips. "You are not the boss of me, Theo Kline."
"I am your boss."
"That's not the same thing."
"You're moving in with me." He sets his mug down on the island, splashing droplets out in the process. They pool on the slate gray surface.
"No, I'm not."
"You said you're in love with me."
I rear back, almost toppling off my stool. "What? No, I didn't."
"You did. Last night," he says, circling around the island toward me. His gray sweats are slung low on his hips, making concentration impossible. All I can see is the deep V leading toward his erection. I want to lick it. "Before you passed out, you said I was wrong about you disliking me. You said you avoid me because you're in love with me."
"I…" Oh my gosh, I think I did say that. "I was clearly not in my right mind," I mutter, ripping my gaze away from him to stare at the countertop. I don't even need a mirror to know my cheeks are bright red. I feel the heat in them. "People say crazy things when they're having orgasms."
"You meant it," he growls, stopping right behind me. His breath hits my neck, working through me like a wrecking ball. He's right. I did mean it. I am so in love with him. And that's precisely why I can't move in with him. His life is perfect. The last thing he needs is for me to mess it all up.
"It doesn't matter," I mumble. "I'm not moving in with you."
"There was a photographer outside last night, baby doll," he says, his voice soft.
"What? When?"
"When I was grinding you on my cock on the porch." He moves closer, crowding up against me. He's a warm weight at my back, a blazing furnace. God, why does he have to feel so good? Waking up in his arms felt a little like waking up in heaven this morning. "They saw me with my tongue down your throat and my hands all over this sexy ass."
"Theo," I whisper, not sure if he's telling me the truth or not. I'm pretty sure he's being honest, but I'm not ready to face that reality yet. I'd rather pretend he's just making it up.
"They saw how hard I was for you, little one." He brushes my hair away from my neck, replacing it with his lips. "They know what I did to you in our bed last night."
"Theo," I say again, my stomach physically aching with need. What he did to me last night… I'm never going to recover. He broke me last night. Made me crazy. Now, the whole world is going to know that I'm a walking, talking disaster. They're going to laugh at him.
"I told them we're dating, Charlotte."