Page 118 of Playing for Keeps
"Scare me like that!" she says. "I could have hurt you."
"With my pillow?" I cock a brow at her, pulling myself into a sitting position.
Her gaze drops from my face, riding down my body. Her cheeks heat, and the tip of her tongue peeks out, skating across her bottom lip. "You're naked."
"So are you."
"Stop looking at me!"
"Then come back to bed, baby doll," I say, dropping my voice low. She seems to like when I do that. And I'll do whatever it takes to get her back into bed with me. "I'm not done sleeping yet."
"I'm not getting back into bed with you. It's already noon. And your phone keeps beeping."
I turn my head to look at the clock on my nightstand, confirming the time. It's 12:04. I was supposed to check in with the team doc two hours ago.
"Shit." I throw the sheets off.
Charlotte squeaks again and spins around. She promptly squeaks a third time when she realizes I can see her ass. I laugh when she spies my shirt in the floor and snatches it up so fast she nearly faceplants in the floor. She's jumpy this morning. It shouldn't be nearly as cute as it is.
I grab my cell phone from the bedside table, watching as she rushes to put my shirt on. "You know I've already seen it all, Charlotte. Ate it all, too," I remind her.
"Stop talking!" she cries, making me laugh.
I glance from her to my phone. My laughter dies when I see the barrage of missed calls and texts from Kelsey. Team group chat is blowing up, too. How the fuck did I sleep through all of that? Oh, right. Because I had my girl's taste in my throat, her sweet sounds in my ear, and that beautiful body tucked up against mine. I slept like the dead after I passed out the third time.
"I'm going…somewhere," she mumbles.
"Don't leave the house, Charlotte."
"I can do what I want."
"Fine," she huffs, throwing her hands up. Her shirt comes up, flashing her ass at me. She scowls at me over her shoulder before stomping toward the bathroom.
I'm in the process of dialing Kelsey's number when Kris calls me.
"Why haven't you been answering your phone?" he says before I can even say hello.
"Uh, because I was sleeping?" I stride toward the dresser to grab a pair of sweats.
"It's noon."
"I'm aware," I mutter. "You can tell Kelsey I didn't die in my sleep if that's what she's worried about. And my brain is fine. My head doesn't hurt at all, in fact."
"Good to know. But that's not what she's worried about."
"I'll pretend that's not insulting."
"Is Charlotte with you?"
"Yeah. Why?" I frown. "How the fuck did you know that?" Most of my teammates know how I feel about her. They give me shit frequently about the situation. But Kris and I have an understanding. He doesn't ask me about Charlotte. I don't ask him about Kelsey.
"Check your messages," he says. "And call Kelsey. Now."
"Why can't you just fuc–" I growl out a curse when the line goes dead. I'm getting mighty tired of people hanging up on me. Setting my phone on the dresser, I quickly pull on my sweats, tucking my dick inside. He's rock-hard and ready to go. Naturally. Charlotte's in my house, wearing nothing but my shirt. He's not going down anytime soon.
My phone rings again before I can even pick it up from the dresser.