Page 103 of Playing for Keeps
"I'm pregnant, Gray. Not helpless."
"My lady deserves a throne."
My heart flutters. He's ridiculous, and I adore him anyway.
I leave him to figure out the tent situation while I go to check on the kids, who are still getting their stuff out of the car. At least, that's what they're supposed to be doing. I find them halfway down the short trail leading to the private parking area instead, sitting in a semi-circle under a massive pine tree, their stuff strewn around them.
"Hi, babies."
"Mom," Ana groans. "We haven't been babies in years."
I smile at our oldest. She's nine, going on nineteen. "You'll always be my baby."
Carina cranes her head back to look up at me. "Our stuff is heavy, Mama."
"She had to take a break." Ana rolls her eyes.
"I did not!"
"Yes, you did. You complained the whole way here."
"Did not," Carina mutters. She's just like her daddy. "I just said it's heavy."
"That's because you packed so much,minha anjo." I'm pretty sure she packed enough clothes for the next two weeks. And at least half of her toybox. But at seven, she's fiercely independent and wants to do everything herself. Gray and I try to let her do things her way as often as possible. She's going to be a fierce woman one day. Or she's going to burn the world to the ground. One or the other. The jury is still out.
"Can't Daddy carry it?"
"He's building the tent."
"Daddy is making our tent?" Ana asks, skepticism heavy in her voice.
"He is."
Nicolas giggles, looking at his older sisters. "We're gonna be sleeping outside wif the bears."
"Oh, brother," Carina says, smacking her forehead.
I bite my lip to keep from laughing. Our babies know exactly how Gray feels about the outdoors. He's made no secret of it over the years. The less time he has to spend outside, the happier he is.
"I better go help then," Ana says, bounding to her feet. She scoops her backpack up, slinging it over her back.
Carina and Nicolas are on their feet again in seconds, exclaiming that they want to help, too. I watch with a smile on my face as the kids scurry down the path to help Gray put the tent together. Between the four of them, we might actually have shelter sometime in the next few hours.
"Gray!" I hiss, startledwhen my husband grabs me around the waist, dragging me around to the back of the tent.
"Shh,querida.Don't wake up the kids," he whispers, pressing me up against a tree as his lips come down on mine. He shoves his hands into my sleep shorts at the same time, making me moan out loud. I try to stifle the sound, but I can't. He knows exactly how to touch me to make me crazy. "Ahh, Christ. You're soaked."
"Tent," I gasp, trying to explain that I've been that way since he put the tent together with the kids. Something about watching him take charge and build our shelter got me all hot and bothered. The kids managed to collapse the thing twice. Gray just chuckled each time and put it back together. I know he was frustrated. But he didn't say a word. He just got to work. The way he loves us just does something to me. I can't resist it.
"You can reward me by keeping that pretty mouth shut while I fuck you against this tree," he growls, ripping my shorts down my legs.
The cool air hits me, making me moan again. If he thinks I can be quiet, he's crazier than I thought.
He knows me well, though. After ten years, he should. He clamps one hand over my mouth, pressing his thumb to my clit. Icry out against his palm, my whole body catching fire as he plays with me, trying to get me there before the kids wake up and miss us.
"Jesus Christ," he groans, his lips against my neck. "Every sound you make turns me on,querida." He plunges two fingers in me, curling them up to hit my G-spot.
I dig my nails into his back, stars exploding behind my eyelids.