Page 9 of The Boy Next Door
He was sexy as hell too. I wasn’t the kind of girl to go chasing someone just because he was hot, but tonight, I almost wanted to. Maybe it was the liquor or the music or some combination of the two, but I suddenly wanted him.
Sure, he was nothing that I needed, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see if he was as good with his hands when he wasn’t drumming. I shivered with heat as I continued to gyrate, watching him closely without trying to seem too obvious about it. I wasn’t sure who I’d be more embarrassed to have notice my sudden attention to him: the man himself or my coworkers.
I couldn’t stop speculating over what it would be like to have him in bed with me, though. To have him strip me bare, to have him run his hands over my body. I didn’t have a ton of experience with guys, and most of my sexual experiences had been vaguely disappointing.
I didn’t think the drummer would disappoint, though. No, I had a feeling he could play my body as well as he could play those drums. For all the flash and passion that he poured into his playing, there was a certain tenderness as well, which was there in the way that he concentrated and the way he struck each beat.
I kept on dancing, my eyes on his, swaying seductively. Suddenly, I wanted to tease him. I wanted his eyes on me, wanting me as he played. I wanted to get inside his head, even if I never got the courage to go any further with him.
I couldn’t help but feel disappointed as he kept his gaze trained on the instruments in front of him. He didn’t look my way again, not even as the singer introduced their next song.
I couldn’t believe she was there.
To be honest, when I first laid eyes on my new neighbor in the crowd, I had expected her to roll her eyes and storm out. Then I’d realized that she was dancing. And God, how she was dancing…
My cock was rock-hard from watching her. I’d tried my best to be surreptitious about it, peeking at her out of the corner of my eyes. The last thing I needed was for her to realize how much she got under my skin with her hips swaying to the beat.
What the hell was she doing there? Of all the places in LA, how had she just happened to come to our gig? I had to admit, I was revising my original opinion of her. When she had first shown up at my doorstep, yelling at me to keep quiet, I had decided she must be kind of a crazy cat lady trapped in a stunner’s body.
Maybe that wasn’t a fair assessment.
We finished the set, managing to make it through every song more or less decently even though I knew that Carter was already well on his way to blitzed. We didn’t add anything new, though, and I couldn’t help wondering if things were starting to get stale for our groupies. Would they stop coming, eventually, when they realized we had nothing more to offer?
I couldn’t think about that now, though. The only thing I seemed able to think about was my hot neighbor. I watched as she chatted with a group of girls near where she had been dancing before, a huge grin on her face. God, she was cute. She definitely looked like she had enjoyed herself. I wondered if that meant she would come out to more of our shows.
I found myself drawn toward her, like a magnet. I didn’t know what I would say when I got to her, but I supposed I could reintroduce myself now that we weren’t yelling at each other. I realized that I had never gotten her name.
Luke interrupted me, though. His eyes were shining with excitement. “Dude, I just looked at my phone,” he said. “The venue owner, Jim, texted me while we were playing.”
I grimaced. That could go either of two ways. We had done a decent job that night, but not our best. At this point, we couldn’t afford to fuck things up. My eyes strayed to where Mark and Carter were at the bar. But then, my gaze was captured by a cheering group of girls doing shots—and wouldn’t you know, but my new neighbor was right in the middle of them.
“He wants to book us for five more shows in the near future,” Luke continued, dragging my attention back to him.
My jaw dropped. “Wow, really?” I couldn’t help but feel shocked. Our performance that night was nothing to write home about. Then again, he knew we could pull in a crowd. We certainly had that night, anyway. We’d taken a stretch with this one; it was a larger venue than the places we had been playing. Not only that, but rumor had it that if you were going to get picked up by an agency, this was one of the hottest places to be. This could be our ticket.