Page 43 of Don't Date Your Brother's Best Friend
“Did you break into my house?” he said, eyeing the door, “because I don’t hide a key outside.”
“I run a lumberyard. I have all kinds of tools at my disposal,” I laughed.
“Did you take the lock off?”
“No. Although I know how to reinstall it if you have any problems. I just picked it.”
“Do they teach you that in landscape architecture?”
“No, but you can learn all kinds of crap off YouTube,” I said.
“You’ll have to teach me how to pick a lock sometime. How’d you get out of the house?”
“I climbed out of the window.”
“You’re on the second story!”
“I know. You remember climbing in and out of there.”
“I was always so scared your dad was gonna catch us,” he said.
“Me, too. He caught me sneaking out once, trying to see you.”
“Did you get in trouble?” he said, looking taken aback.
“Uh, yeah.”
“I’m sorry about that. How about I make it worth your while?”
“You mean getting grounded and getting my butt whipped over sneaking out?”
“Yes. I’d say I owe you an apology for that. Come here,” he said.
After that, it was a heated kiss, my body pressed to his and his arms trapping me against him. I giggled as I tried to sit up, but he held me fast. The tease of his tongue in my mouth was enough to keep me in place, though. I gripped his shirt and held on tight, kissing him for all I was worth. Time seemed to slow down, to flow hot and syrupy around us as we peeled off our clothes. The beautiful slide of his hands on my bare back made me arch against him. This was how it had been between us, natural, sensual, the eroticism of his slightest touch on my skin. Nothing compared to this, to the closeness and understanding between us, the way our bodies communicate in a language of touches, the way our tongues met and how our bodies strained to become one.
I stroked his thick biceps, his broad, muscular shoulders. His body was so strong, so perfectly formed and trained to protect and rescue others. I didn’t need to be rescued, but I wouldn’t mind getting lost in his gaze, his touch, his mouth on mine. I found myself petting his chest, tracing the lines of musculature, his pecs and abs, the luscious curve and sinew that had been earned by long hours in the gym. I felt like it was all for me, like he had spent years building this lean, muscled body for my enjoyment. It felt that way, and I whispered it to him, “All for me,” I said against his neck, my tongue darting out to tease him.
“Yes, all yours,” he said, his voice ragged with want.
Luke’s hands fondled my breasts, his calloused fingers deliciously rough against my tender nipples that were already red from his stroking and pinching. He fastened his mouth on my nipple and sucked it into his hot, wet mouth. A bolt of pleasure bit through me, made me buck against him, “Ah, you’re ready now,” he said, dipping his fingers between my legs, “I feel how wet you are.”
Luke urged me up onto my knees, his fingers working through my slick folds, leaving me panting and on edge. He gripped my thighs and yanked me down hard on his erection. I shouted a yes that could’ve woken neighbors two towns away as his cock filled me, stretching me, spreading me with every thrust. I felt myself begin to rock and then bounce, riding him. His hand on my hip guided me, moved me to the rhythm he wanted as he stroked hot and deep and hard, going deeper with every thrust. I shut my eyes and it truly felt like I was riding him, like his cock was a plunging, bucking stallion and all I could do was hold on for dear life. I panted and whimpered and made sharp, high pitched cries. I held onto his shoulders, then braced my hands on the recliner on either side of his head. God, his smile, that smug, glorious smile as he looked up at me before he captured my mouth with his, tonguing my mouth until I clenched around him and came and came, bucking hard. He held my hips still and pumped into me, going hard and deep, leaving me trembling, screaming with white-hot pleasure. He caught my nipple in his mouth as he came, sucking it and grazing it with his teeth. I came again, tight as a fist and twice as hard, making him grind his hips into me with satisfaction. He’d made me come twice while he was within me, had felt every flutter and clench, every gush of wetness and shiver of pleasure. I leaned forward unsteadily to kiss him. He crushed me against him and kissed me until I was gasping for breath.