Page 8 of Back To You - A Second Chance Romance
“Kate.” Just saying her name made me feel like I was eighteen years old again.
“Jake and Kate.” He gave me a wide grin. “Such sweet, all-American names. I bet you two were quite the little couple back in Beloit.”
“Yeah, for a while. It was all perfect until I left. Then it faded like vapor. And apparently, she didn’t even know I made it big.” I still couldn’t believe it.
“Come on. She’d have to be living under a rock somewhere to not have heard about Stone Soldier. It was up for so many awards, and your nomination? That was a huge accomplishment.”
I was honored to have a few nods, even though I hadn’t won. “Well, she was in the rainforests of South America without a TV, so I guess that counts.”
“Damn. I guess that gives her a pass.”
“Yeah, I just expected her to care enough to keep up.” I had always had it in my head that she was watching over me, like a guardian angel or something. It had gotten me through a lot, hoping she would see my name in lights and come back to me. I had even played it up in my head.
She’d get in touch, ask to see me again, and then it would go one of two ways. Either I’d fall for her all over again or tell her that she’d missed her chance.
I got back on the bar and did a few more chin-ups.
“Did you keep up with her? Her career?” He had a point. I hadn’t bothered either, but not because I didn’t care.
“I get your point. No, I didn’t. I didn’t want to hear about her marrying some other guy or dating her professor or some shit. I’d have ended up in jail for murdering the asshole.” I dropped back to the floor, feeling the frustration building.
“Well, then I wouldn’t be mad at her. You both went your own ways, and look, fate has stepped in, and now maybe you have a second chance.”
It all sounded too good to be true, and it probably was. “I don’t know about that.”
“You’re right. I mean, it’s hard enough to believe that you were in a relationship back in high school, with you being such a player now and all, but maybe that’s why you were never serious about all of those women.”
Yes, that was true. I had let myself enjoy many women without getting close to any of them. “I just didn’t have time for a relationship, you know? I was pursuing my career.” It wasn’t like I cheated, but suddenly, my more recent interactions with different women made me feel like a gigolo.
I had to stop letting her make me feel that way or I was never going to get through the movie with her on the set.
I kicked it into high gear and decided to use my frustration for the situation to my advantage. It wasn’t like she was anywhere near thinking about me.
Chapter Four
The cast of actors were crowded around the round table in front of me, and the on-location crew stood in back as I readied for my presentation. Ben had introduced his cast, and while I wasn’t sure I’d remember them all, there were a few I had taken notice of. Including those sitting closest to Jake.
The gorgeous girl to his left was his costar, Tess, and leading lady of the film. The handsome guy beside her had simply been called Austin. And he seemed to know Jake well from the way they had been chatting when I first entered the room.
I had never seen so many beautiful people in one place in my whole life, and I couldn’t help but notice how well Jake fit in. I felt a bit intimidated, but I took a deep breath and smiled so they wouldn’t know it.
“I’d like to thank your lovely director, Ben Malcolm, for the opportunity to educate you on some of the dangers of the Amazon. The immense biodiversity, while beautiful, is not at all what you’re used to here in the States, and for that reason, I’m here today to discuss with you some of the precautions you’ll want to take to ensure that you remain healthy during your stay there.”
Ben spoke up from the back, where he was seated next to Ally. “That’s right,” he yelled. “I don’t need a sick cast or crew, so you make sure you listen up and take this seriously.”
“Oh, she’s got my attention,” the man sitting near Jake said.
Jake’s co-star, Tess, rolled her eyes. “I had no idea intelligent women were on your radar.”
“Quiet in the front please,” Ben called. “Seriously, folks. Come on.”
The two in front settled down, and I got back to it.
“As I was saying, the Amazon can be a little deceiving. You are in a tropical paradise, but at the same time, you’re also surrounded by over four hundred mammals, over thirteen hundred bird species, three hundred seventy-eight reptiles, and four hundred amphibians, and most of which are deadly. And that doesn’t even begin to address the thousands of insects, more specifically mosquitos, which attributes to more sickness in humans than any other. I’m sure you’ve all heard of malaria.”