Page 70 of Back To You - A Second Chance Romance
When Jake appeared on screen, everyone cheered. He raised his hand and waved, only turning in his seat a bit instead of standing up to take a bow like Ben had.
As I stared at the screen, it seemed too surreal. Jake was bigger than life, and not only was he sexy and handsome onscreen, but he was talented. “You’re amazing,” I whispered.
Soon, Tess made her appearance, and the attraction between her and Jake was the cutest thing I’d ever seen portrayed. If I didn’t know them better, I might even be jealous, especially later in the film, when they had their big kissing scene.
The crowd went nuts, and everyone on the cast oohed and ahhed over it, making Jake duck in his chair and Tess laugh out loud. Austin raised his fist and whooped and seeing them all loosened up and having a good time took the edge off of things.
Even though it was a big formal event, I could see how down to earth the others were. The entire cast and crew had really grown into a big family, and I was glad to have been a part of it in some small way.
The movie looked great, and just like Ben said, if there were any inconsistencies in the foliage or landscaping, no one noticed. In the scene with the hallucination, the jaguar they’d put in with special effects looked incredibly real.
When it was over, the cast and crew got a standing ovation, and everyone hugged and cheered.
Jake was a little overwhelmed as he took a bow, and I leaned in and congratulated him with a kiss, not minding if it spoiled my lipstick.
“You deserve all the praise, Jake. That performance was phenomenal.”
“You were my biggest inspiration,” he said.
He took my hand as we filed out of the theater and headed to the car.
Austin walked up beside us and gave me a look. “You had better hold on to him, Kate. He just might float away with that ego soaring.”
“You should be just as proud,” I said.
Jake hugged Austin. “Thanks for making me look good, man. You did the best work of your career in that film.”
“Well, ditto, my friend. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my leading lady awaits.” He caught up with Tess, who was looking around for him in the crowd.
We headed to Ben’s house for the after-party, and when we arrived at his house, I couldn’t believe the size. “Talk about your carbon footprints,” I said. “This place is bigger than Tony Troy’s.”
“Don’t let Tony hear you say that,” Jake said with a chuckle in his voice. “Or else he’ll have the contractors over by morning.”
We settled in the living room, and Tess came over to congratulate Jake. The two took a few photos with some of the other guests.
While they worked the crowd, acting out a few of their lines and talking about behind the scenes and bloopers, Ben walked over and offered me a drink. “Here you go. No one gets away with standing around empty-handed in my house. I happen to know you have a designated driver.”
“Thanks. I guess I’m just so excited by it all that I hadn’t thought about it.”
“It’s a lot, isn’t it? But I wanted to come and thank you. Not only for your job but for the press. The media likes you, Kate. And if I’m being honest, you’re good for him, and you were good for this film. If you ever want another job as a consultant, I’d be willing to pass your name along.”
I was flattered and appreciated him taking the time to thank me. “That’s sweet, Ben. But I’m pretty sure I don’t belong on a movie set. I had a blast, but I think this film was my last. I’m hanging up my consultant hat. I’m actually going back in the field.”
“And I’m going with her,” Jake said.
I hadn’t realized that he had finished with his friends. He put his arm around me and kissed my temple.
Ben shook his head. “Don’t tell me you’re going to quit acting?”
“Oh, I’m not, but I want to spend a little more time in paradise with my girl, and then who knows? Maybe we’ll get married and start a family someday.”
Just knowing it was part of our future was enough for me.
“Oh, that’s the worst proposal I’ve ever heard,” Ben teased. “When you do it, make it special.”
“I was thinking beneath a waterfall in the Amazon rainforest? Or maybe while eating passion fruit straight from the vine? I’m undecided.”
“Well, when you figure it out, I’ll act surprised.”
“Oh,” Ben said. “How about that? She wants to try her hand at acting now. You know, you might be a big star. You’ve certainly got those leading lady looks.”
I felt my cheeks turn warm. “Thanks, but I don’t want to be a star. Jake shines bright enough for the both of us.”