Page 65 of Back To You - A Second Chance Romance
“Why? Did you have something to do with that article?” I knew better, but I needed him to explain a few things to me.
“No. You know me better, Kate. I’d never do anything to hurt you.”
“Well, you should know me. I didn’t need you to pay off the department to get my job back. I would have been okay.” I wanted to be angry, but it had been a sweet thing to do.
He walked in and closed the door behind him. “I know, but I couldn’t reach you, and after I heard what happened at the lot yesterday, I felt terrible. I thought if I could at least talk to your department head or the university president, I could make them listen to reason. Besides, you shouldn’t have been treated that way.”
“No, I don’t think I should have. I worked hard and did my job. And I’m especially disappointed in Ben and the rest of the cast and crew.”
“Oh, I guess you don’t know,” he said, raking his hand through his hair.
“Know? You mean there’s more?”
He gave an exhausted laugh. “It was Roxie who spilled the beans. She wanted a hot story to sell, and Arthur paid her well.”
“Wow, I would have never guessed. She seemed so nice at first, but come to think of it, she had started acting a bit strange when we were on location.”
“She wasn’t the only one who figured it out, but it’s all behind us. I’ve talked to everyone who matters, and now I just have to make a statement. I just had to know that you were okay, and I thought we should figure something out together. I’m sorry you had to take the brunt of it.”
“Well, thanks. But that’s what happens when you’re not the big star.” He hadn’t been painted as the bad guy.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I had to pay a fine just to come here. The studio has strict policies about holding up their schedule. Also, I fired my publicist, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to sue me, and I no longer have an official fan club.”
I felt horrible that things were so messed up. “I’m sorry, Jake. I wish there was something I could do for you.”
He stepped closer. “There is. You can be with me.” He cocked his head to the side and gave me a charming smile.
I got up and walked around the desk. “What are you saying?”
“Maybe it’s better if I show you?” He moved closer, putting his arms around me. Then he planted a kiss that had my toes curling and my head spinning.
So much had happened that I wasn’t ready for Jake to want things to continue, but as he pulled me close and held me tight, I could tell he wasn’t ready to let me go. I just didn’t know how far he intended to take things.
But in his arms, my worries soon faded, and I deepened the kiss, wrapping my arms around him as well. Just when I thought it was done and I’d never see him again, he surprised me.
He stepped to the side, moving my back against the desk, and when I felt my bottom hit the desktop, I rested against it. Jake moved forward and laid me across the desk, moving my geode pencil holder and salt lamp out of the way.
“Is the door locked?” I asked, not wanting to be caught in another situation like the last.
“Good question.” He hurried over the short distance and turned the lock. Then he took my hand and went to sit in my office chair.
“Do you mind if I sit?” he asked, smiling at me as he pulled me into his lap.
“Not at all. I’ve missed you.” I breathed in his scent. Even though he smelled like a different cologne from high school, he still smelled familiar. Like Jake. Like home.
“I’ve missed you too. I want you to know that it wasn’t how that article made it sound. It wasn’t a romantic romp or a fling. I want this to last, Kate. I know we gave up a lot to chase our dreams, but now that we both have our dreams, I think it’s time we make room for us.”
I felt my heart swell with happiness as a tight lump formed in my throat. “That’s all I want too,” I said. “I just didn’t think you wanted anything serious.” I turned and kissed him, letting him show me just how much he wanted me.
His hands moved to undo my top, and after he pulled it off and undid my bra, I reached for his crotch and stroked his erection that had been jabbing me in the hip since I had sat in his lap.
Just feeling it on my leg made me want him inside of me. My body ached for it, and I didn’t waste time before getting up to slip off my panties beneath my skirt.