Page 6 of Back To You - A Second Chance Romance
Chapter Three
“You told me you loved me,” I blurted out to Kate. “If you mean it, then how can you make this decision?”
It was just after my friend’s end of the year party, and she was sitting next to me in the car with tears in her eyes. “I have always had plans of my own, Jake. You know I want to go to college and get my degree so I can pursue my own career.”
“I know we’ve talked about it, but I thought that this—that us—” I took a deep breath to keep my own voice from breaking. “I thought we loved each other enough to stick together.”
Our senior year was over, and it was time to move on and make big decisions. I couldn’t stay at home. The world was calling, and if I didn’t get away from my parents, I’d end up a lush just like my old man.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t expect you to leave Beloit and go all the way across the country. I mean, I figured you’d—”
“Do what? Stay here? Watch you go to college, and do what? Become my old man? I want better for myself. For us both.”
She wiped her eyes. “Well, I just think this is best for me, Jake. I guess we both just have to do what’s best, and maybe in a few years, we can see where we are.”
“Yeah, I get it.” My heart was breaking. How had it come to this?
She settled back in her seat, and I could already feel her pulling away from me. “Where are you going?”
“California or Vegas.” I had it all planned out, and all I needed was for her to agree, but it didn’t go the way I had planned.
“I don’t want fame, Jake. I can’t see my future in Hollywood or Vegas. Not with what I want to do in my life.”
“But I would be there, Kate. I could take care of you. Aren’t I enough?” I loved her so much that I didn’t need anything else in the world to be right. I’d leave the next day with a hole in my heart and nothing but the hope of finding a better life to my advantage.
I jolted awake with the alarm sounding. A cold sweat had broken out on my forehead as I lay on my back. I couldn’t believe I’d relived that, but it had only happened because she was still so fresh in my mind from seeing her the day before.
The rejection had never gotten any better, not even after all of these years. And as I got out of bed and looked in the bathroom mirror, I realized the dream had put me in a horrible mood.
“She didn’t even know I’ve made it. That I’m a big star?” This hurt the most. I’d always hoped she’d see me and get in touch, or at least regret our departure and miss me from afar.
I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and went to work on my veneers. “Your teeth are blinding,” I said, mocking her comment yesterday. “Well, you didn’t want a leading man with a chipped tooth either, apparently, but I was nice about that. I didn’t rub it in your face.” I spat in the sink and took a deep breath before rinsing. I had to calm down.
Kate had always had a dramatic effect on me. She was the first and only girl I’d ever fallen head over heels for, and at one time, I was sure I would spend the rest of my life with her.
And not that I owed my career to her, but her rejection had done something to me. It had made me so numb that I didn’t care about taking chances. No one else’s rejection could turn me upside down, so I felt like I didn’t have anything to lose when it came to my career.
My phone rang in my pocket, and I glanced down to see Ally’s number. “Yes, Ally?”
“Mr. Malcolm wanted me to remind you that you have a meeting before the first scene today.”
“Shit.” I had been so aggravated with Kate and myself for walking away from her the previous day that I’d forgotten all about the meeting with the cast and crew. “Thanks for the reminder. What time is it?”
“Ten. Don’t be late please. He’s already in a pissy mood.”
“I’m on my way to the gym with Austin, so by the time I get there I’ll be the one in a pissy mood.” I hung up the phone, knowing Austin was going to kick my ass. I had a lot of training to do to be prepared, and as my stunt double, he had to keep me on my toes.
I hurried to finish getting dressed and grabbed my gym bag on the way out. The sun hadn’t even fully risen, but I was ready to spring into action, and hopefully, the workout would kill the nagging ache of Kate’s appearance that was deep in my chest.