Page 51 of Back To You - A Second Chance Romance
I didn’t have time to worry. It wasn’t like it was a big deal. We didn’t need her approval.
I walked back into my tent and shut the door. I had to go and dig out the university T-shirt from my suitcase. I wanted to make sure that everything was in order and even decided to make a list of talking points, just in case I had time to talk about my research. I wasn’t going to let the department down.
The next day while everyone was gathered for lunch, Arthur Scott arrived, and while the whole crew buzzed about it, the cast and Ben were less than excited.
“It’s just an interview,” Jake said when I told him how nervous I was. “Just talk about what you know, be genuine, and you’ll be great.” I could tell that it was no big deal to him. He went about eating his sandwich like the guy wasn’t even there talking with Ben.
“I guess you’ve done hundreds of these,” I said.
“Enough. Just stick to the topic, and you’ll be okay.”
Tess, who was sitting next to me, leaned over. “I hope he doesn’t ask me how I like it here. I’m sure to make a face.”
“Come on, darlin’. It can’t be too bad. You’re winning big at poker.” Austin smashed a potato chip on his plate and gave her a hard look.
“You’re just bitter because I’ve taken all your money.”
Austin turned his nose up. “What I want to know is how come they want to talk to you and not me,” he said to me. “I mean, no offense, but who else does what I do? It’s not an easy job, making him look good.”
“I guess because it’s Operation Amazon, they wanted to talk to the expert. I’m just glad I get to speak to them about our department.”
All of a sudden, Ben came over with Arthur. “Here’s my superstar,” he said, patting Jake on the back. “And this is the lovely Tess Sinclair.”
Tess rose from her seat and walked around to shake his hand.
“Don’t get up,” Arthur said. “I don’t want to disturb anyone’s lunch, but when you’re done, I’d like to start with Jake.”
Tess’s expression changed a bit, and while I could tell she was a bit disappointed, she faked it well. “Oh, thank goodness. It gives me a little more time to prepare.”
“I’m sure you’re going to do fine. I just wanted to talk to you all about this amazing experience.” He turned his eyes to me, and they lit up, lifting his brows in a quizzical way. “And you must be Kate Bridges. I’m really eager to speak with you. I’d like to save you for last.”
Tess glanced at me and then forced a smile. “Kate is amazing. You’ll just love her.” I could tell she was a bit upset that I had gotten so much of Arthur’s attention but was trying to be as gracious as she could.
Jake got up from the table. “I am actually ready now if you are, Arthur.”
Arthur’s face lit up. “Excellent. Where should we do this?”
“My assistant set something up. Come with me.” Ben turned and looked across the room. “Ally!”
The young woman, who had been leaning on the counter as she spoke with Roxie, nearly jumped out of her skin. “Coming,” she said, rushing over.
“Take us to the interview set.”
“Sure. Come on, Jake.” She smiled at him and then cut a glance back to our table. “Tess, I’ll be back for you in a few minutes if you want to check in at makeup first? He’s filming a behind the scenes for his YouTube while he has you there.”
“That would be wonderful,” she said, looking even more nervous at that bit of news.
I could already tell that she wasn’t going to have makeup do me any favors, but that was all right with me. I doubted I would be a part of any behind the scenes for YouTube. My focus needed to be on the department more than anything, and I was already so prepared that I knew I would knock the interview out of the park.
“I hate this,” Tess said, sinking down in her chair.
“He seems harmless enough,” I said. “You’ll get through it.”
“You don’t understand Arthur Scott. He has a way of twisting things on you when you least expect it.”
“Should I be worried?” I didn’t want anything to go wrong. What if he tried to twist something around that could make the department look bad? I couldn’t have that.
Tess breathed out a laugh. “I think you’re safe. I’m more worried about me.”
Austin eased back in his chair. “Stop it. Don’t make drama where there is none. You’re going to give a wonderful interview, and you can even brag how you’re cleaning up at our poker games, which are completely public and innocent.”
“Says you, but Arthur is a shark. He can smell blood in the water, and any one of these ingrates here could be holding a grudge. You never know when someone has it out for you.”