Page 45 of Back To You - A Second Chance Romance
“Relax, Kate. Just enjoy the pleasure.” I returned to my task as her legs went limp around me, and once she stopped stressing, she found her release.
That’s my girl. She was always going to be mine. I moved up, aiming my cock for her center, and I pushed deep, claiming her the way I had so many years ago. I had to know if there had been others, but it just didn’t seem like the time. And if there had been, I was determined to be everything so that she never thought of them again.
The cot began to squeak under our movements when we began to work up a rhythm, and soon it sounded a bit obvious. “Someone’s going to hear us,” she said with a giggle in her voice.
I chuckled, and we slowed our pace, rolling over to change positions. “Let’s hope they are deep sleepers.” Sneaking around was hot, especially when you thought you might get caught. I could see the headlines now. Jake Storm in Amazon Romance.
Would that really be so bad?
She kissed my neck and my lips, holding me tightly to her as she ground against me. The snake bite hadn’t killed me, but the sex was heaven, and I never wanted to come back down to earth.
Chapter Twenty
Jake never failed to please me. The other times we’d been together recently, we’d rekindled our old desires with hard and fast sex, but this was much slower and more sensual. He took his time with me, and that made the pleasure so intense that at times. I thought I’d come apart from it. If it carried me any further, I could have melted right into him.
It wasn’t like anything we’d experienced together before, not even our first time. We were used to each other and had mastered the other’s likes and desires enough to give each other what we most desired.
I raked my nails up his back, scratching gently but gripping tightly into his shoulders when he gave me a hard thrust. He filled me up so deliciously, his girth stretching me to my limits, which had always made me feel like he was the perfect fit for me. Any more and I might just come apart at the seams.
As my second orgasm ripped through me with delicious pleasure, I cried out and held on to him tightly, grinding against him slowly and languidly. The jungle heat gave things a different feel as well, and while things had steamed up, once we kicked off the blanket, it was bearable.
When he found my most sensitive spot, I cried out with pleasure. “You like that?” he asked.
I nodded, and Jake worked his hips faster. Then he brought my legs up, rolling my hips back as he drove into me.
“Come for me, Kate. I love it when you let yourself go.”
I let myself go all right. And after he worked me over the edge one last time, he didn’t hold back either. Our bodies slapped together, and I didn’t think anyone could mistake the noise for anything else if they could hear it at all. Finally, a moment later, his cock twitched deep inside of me, pumping his release. “Oh, yeah, Kate.”
I felt a sense of pride, knowing I could make him feel that kind of pleasure and hearing my name on his tongue. The same tongue he’d used to do the same for me.
He collapsed against the crowded cot, resting at my side. Nothing else in the world mattered, not the time or the universe. Everything was perfectly aligned for that moment to happen, and I was just grateful for it.
After a moment of catching his breath, he kissed my temple and nuzzled close. “You’re not going anywhere this time,” he said. “Don’t even think about it.” He kissed my shoulder, and I rested my cheek against him.
I didn’t say anything, but I had nowhere to go and nowhere I’d rather be. I felt safe there with him, so I closed my eyes and rested against his muscular frame.
I had acted too hastily in the past, and I wasn’t going to make that mistake again right then.
Just when I had the courage to say something, I heard his breathing level off as he fell asleep.
He had been through so much, and I was sure the sex and snakebite had taken a lot out of him. I didn’t want to wake or bother him. He needed to get his strength back.
With my mind in forty different directions, I lay there, feeling his skin sticking to mine and wondering if I knew what I was doing. My heart had been broken before, but for some reason, I wanted to trust that he’d never let it happen again. I also felt like I could easily be the fool.
This is going to end soon. We’ll all leave the jungle, and he’ll go back to his new, fancy, millionaire, movie-star lifestyle, and I’ll have to go back to the university. Could I take the heartache of losing him again? If I found myself back in that place, I’d only have myself to blame.