Page 42 of Back To You - A Second Chance Romance
The other medic nodded. “It was a deadly snake,” he said. “Your friend is very lucky.”
“I’m sorry, Jake. I had no idea it was so dangerous. But in my defense, it could have happened anywhere.”
“No, it couldn’t have happened anywhere because that snake is only found in the Amazon you insufferable jackass.” I wasn’t letting him off so easily. He had pissed me off. Jake was very lucky, and if one thing had been different, if the snake would have gotten that other fang in him, or if he would have held on a split second longer with that one fang, Jake could be on his deathbed with no hope.
Jake spoke up. “Please stop arguing. Just make sure we comb those areas. One more of these bites, and if I don’t die, I’m quitting.”
I could sympathize. The pain from any snake bite was terribly painful and scary.
Ben nervously waved his hands. “Don’t say that. There won’t be any more bites, my friend, I promise.” He turned around and looked over across the room where Ally stood by the door. “Ally, cancel tomorrow’s shoot with Jake. We need some locals to comb the area for snakes. We’ll have to pay them. So I need you to also call production and make sure we have the budget for it.”
“What if we don’t have the budget for it?” she asked.
Ben rolled his eyes. “Then we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” he snapped.
I couldn’t understand how she let him talk to her that way.
“I’m on it,” Ally said.
As she walked out of the tent, Jake looked around at everyone who was there crowded into his private space. “Could you all give me some privacy? I think I want to sleep a bit.”
“I can’t let you sleep just yet,” I said, giving him an apologetic look. “I need you to keep talking to me for a bit longer before I can let you sleep.” It was important to make sure the medicine was doing its job.
Austin, who was seated on his own cot, reached over and patted Jake on the arm. “Don’t worry, man. I’ve got this.” He got to his feet and clapped his hands. “Okay, ladies and gents. Everyone out. If we’ve got the day off tomorrow, I’m calling another poker game tonight, and this time, let’s do it tournament style. Winner take all!”
There was only one shout for joy, and that was from outside the door. The rest of the room just stared at him as if they’d rather eat nails. As Austin headed to the door to leave, Tess stuck her head in.
“Oh my God!” Tess said, running over to see Jake. “I can’t believe this is happening. Why didn’t someone tell me sooner? Is he going to make it?” She talked as if Jake was unconscious.
Austin rolled his eyes. “Yeah, your movie is safe, my darling. Now take a breather before we have to gag and bind you.”
She shot him a foul look. “Screw the movie. I don’t want Jake to die. Kate said the snakes here are deadly.”
“At least one person was listening,” I mumbled.
Jake laughed. “Thanks, Tess, but they gave me a shot, and now I’m getting better. I’m not going to die. At least I don’t think. You are all smothering me with attention.”
“I don’t want to shoot here anymore,” she said, looking over her shoulder at Ben. “This is the most dangerous location I’ve ever been, and what if one of those snakes gets into my tent at night? I might never wake up! If I die, I’m suing you.”
Austin shot Jake a look, and then he took Tess’s hands. “Come on, Tess. Let’s leave Jake alone so he can get some rest. He’s in good hands.” Austin smiled at me and then they left.
The others filed out, and Ben was the last one out of the room. “Let me know if I can get you anything, Jake. Anything at all. And don’t worry about the schedule. I’ll probably just shoot some of Tess’s scenes tomorrow. No sense in everyone taking the day off.”
When he left, I closed the door behind them and locked it before drawing the covers down on the windows.
“Well, that was exciting,” Jake said as I walked back across the room to be near him.
“Are you really okay? You’re not just putting on a brave face, are you?” He had to be a bit worse than he was letting on. It was just such a Jake move, trying to be strong so he didn’t upset everyone.
He winced. “I’ve got a headache, and my hand hurts. But the nausea is over.”
“Yeah, that little viper got you good with his one fang. I’m not sure how you lucked out, but I’m glad you did.”
He chuckled. “You call this lucky? I’m not sure I can agree with that.”