Page 10 of Back To You - A Second Chance Romance
But then Jake stood up. “Hey, come on. Let’s listen people. I, for one, don’t want to die from a touching a frog, so could we just listen up? We all have a full day, and I’m sure she’d like to get through this so she can wrap it up too.”
Everyone was quiet again. Jake sat and returned the floor to me.
I continued on through the rest of my presentation, and afterward, I handed out the papers and answered questions as most of the cast and crew prepared for their busy schedule.
I found Jake talking to Ben, and when the other man stepped away, I decided to say hello. “Thanks for your help.”
“Oh, it was nothing, really. I was just ready to get on with it. I have a busy day.” His attitude was much different toward me than I’d expected.
“Well, it was nice of you anyway, regardless of your motives.” I gave a soft laugh, but that wasn’t enough to break the ice.
“Again, no problem. I guess I have my skills, and you have yours. Public speaking isn’t for everyone, but who knows? Maybe some of this stuff will come in handy for the movie.” He walked away, and I was left stunned.
I couldn’t just let him get away with that. Not knowing that there was only one reason for his attitude. I stormed up behind him and tapped his shoulder. “Hey, wait a second, Jake.”
He stopped and spun around, looking at me like I had just lost my mind, but I’d had enough, and he was going to hear me out, like it or not.
“I don’t think I like your attitude. I think you’re still mad at me for the way things ended, and that’s not fair. I have no regrets, and I’m sure you don’t either with your Hollywood dream.”
“Oh? Is that what you think?” He glanced around to see if the others in the room were listening, and everyone seemed to go back to minding their own business.
“Yeah, and you know, that’s just too bad. It seems like life has worked out for both of us. You have your dream career, and I have mine. I say we both put the past behind us and try to find a way to work together the next few months to get through this.” I didn’t need him to still want me, and while I couldn’t say it didn’t sting or that I hadn’t hoped we’d rekindle at least a friendship from the situation, I wasn’t going to let him take his grudge out on me.
Chapter Five
I had forgotten just how angry Kate could get and how much it turned me on. She had a pretty long fuse, but when she got to the end of it, watch out. A bomb was about to go off. And she did not disappoint that day.
With the rest of the crew around working hard to get back to work but apparently hearing everything that was said, I knew I had to diffuse the situation. “Okay, fine. I agree with that, and I can handle it. We’ll just go about our lives and take care of business like we have for the past ten years. You do your thing, and I’ll do mine.” It pissed me off to even say it, and I knew those words were a total betrayal but a necessary one. I couldn’t go down that road with her again. I couldn’t take it if things didn’t work out.
“Agreed. We’ll be civil?”
“Fine.” I shrugged as she nodded and stepped away, going back to the table where a small stack of her pamphlets remained.
I had to get back to my trailer and get to work, but on the way, I couldn’t shake what had just happened.
“Damn, why do you have to be so fucking sexy when you’re mad?” I slammed the door and went to the couch where I’d left my script. I had a scene to prepare for, but first, I had to get her out of my mind.
Good luck with that.
I went over my lines and thought about the best way to execute my emotions for the scene. How would Logan Reed, my character, handle the situation?
“Fuck,” I said, closing my eyes. Shake her off, man.
It was no use. Kate always had a way of getting under my skin in the best way. I remembered the way we had fought when we were younger and how the very first time we’d made love had been after she’d been angry. Thankfully, it wasn’t aimed at me.
We were at our Senior prom. The gym was decorated in black and silver, and the mirrored ball hanging from the ceiling was reflecting stars in her hair. We had been together for four months, and after a long wait with a whole lot of will she or won’t she, I had decided I was happy with whatever I could get. Just being with her was enough, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want more.