Page 30 of Erotic Behavior (Observant Behaviors)
“Raven, we need to talk about something,” she looked up with fear in her eyes and it gutted me.“Hey, don’t look at me like that.It’s nothing bad.”
I placed a kiss on her forehead, and she closed her eyes, letting out a sigh.“Before the auction, were you on any kind of birth control?”
Her body tensed immediately, and her eyes shot open as she shook her head no.
“You started the pill when?”
“Not long, just that night.They had me meet with the doctor.”
“How do you feel about children?”
“I’ve always loved them.I’m still so young, but if the right man were in my life, I think I’d be happy to start a family.”
“The right man?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I don’t think I do.”
“I don’t know what’s going on between us, Beckett.It all seems too good to be true.I don’t mean anything bad by that.It’s just all very confusing.Would you even want to have children with me?”
“More than anything in this world.”
She squinted her eyes and pushed herself up so she was looking down at me.“Are you being serious right now?”
“Yes.I am.”
I didn’t want to add any extra explanation and confuse matters.She’d asked if I wanted children with her and I did.That was as much as I needed to explain to her right now.
“We haven’t even gotten married yet.That was the whole point of this, wasn’t it?You bought yourself a wife.”
“I will marry you, Raven.I’ll marry you in the morning if you want, or you can plan the wedding of your dreams for whenever you wish.None of that changes my desire to watch your body grow with my first child.”
Raven moved into a sitting position, and my heart dropped.I wanted to prop her legs up and keep her still to make sure none of my seed leaked out of her, but I didn’t want to scare her.
“Can I think about it?”
“Of course.But you realize that this conversation may be pointless.You haven’t even been on the pill for a full cycle, so the efficacy is likely low.I’m sorry, I didn’t think to ask if you wanted me to use a condom.I shouldn’t have put you in this position.”
“Don’t apologize.I could have asked you.Honestly, I didn’t even think about it.I wanted everything from you.I still do.”
I sat up and pulled her to me.She moved easily and straddled my lap, which only teased my already hardening cock.“Listen, I don’t want to rush you into anything.But I want you to understand this isn’t something I take lightly.I have wanted a family for a long time and now that I have you, thoughts of you round with my child, keep racing through my mind.I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’m secretly hoping I hit the mark our first time.”
I winked, and that just earned me a slap on the chest and a smile from my little girl.
“Raven, I want to take care of you in every way possible.I hope that soon you will let me do just that.”
“But you already do so much for me.I feel like I’m just here on vacation, it’s surreal.”
I watched as she looked down to where I was holding her hands in mine.“When you think of our future, what does it look like?”
“I have dreams and then there is reality.I’d love to have you barefoot and pregnant padding around the house for the rest of our lives, but something tells me you would want more than that.”
“Ummm… yeah.”
“Do you want to finish your degree?You don’t have to, but I know it was important to you at one time and I’d be happy to pay for something like that.”
“I think maybe I would.”