Page 20 of Erotic Behavior (Observant Behaviors)
“That was a bad question to ask you.I know you are not okay.What can I do to make you feel better?”
“I’m fine, really.”
“Raven, I grew up with a mother and a sister who dominated my life.My father worked nonstop, so I spent all of my time with them and one thing I know for sure is that ‘Fine’ is never good.If Pamela bothers you, then I will make the penthouse off limits for her.”
“No, that’s okay.I’m sure I’ll get used to her.It’s just been a long couple of days.”
“I understand, but how about just until you are settled, I make sure she can’t just come and go as she pleases?She has codes for my floor, but I will disable them.This way, she is only here when she is needed.”
Raven smiled up at me.Then it was as if she realized some of her joy had leaked out at getting what she desired.Her smile morphed into a look of surprise, as if she didn’t expect herself to be so happy about something like this.I smirked, leaning forward to place a kiss on her sweet lips.She tasted of cinnamon and sugar and everything that was good in the world.
“I should have thought about that before you got here.I’m sorry.”I said when I pulled away.
“It’s okay, really.It’s not like you even knew me at that point, and I don’t really know why I’m being so oversensitive right now.”
“You’ve been through a lot and I don’t mean just the auction.You’ve given up a lot of your life to take care of others and, for the first time, someone is stepping in to take care of you.That’s what I want to do for you, Raven.I want to take care of everything you need.Someday, I hope you’ll trust me to do just that.”
After she finished eating, I took her around the penthouse, showing her where she could find random things she may need and introducing her to the staff.She was enamored with the kitchen, which I absolutely loved.I could cut up a salad, maybe make cereal and toast, by my cooking skills were massively lacking.I learned so much about her in just a short time.She loved to cook and baked but claimed she wasn’t very good at it.She talked often of her friend Talia and the nights they would spend together, and every time she brought up her mother, she would get a far off look in her eyes.I recognized that look.It was one of loss and I felt awful.She had struggled so much at such a young age.
“So this is the door to the gym and there is an indoor lap pool.I don’t use it nearly as much as I should, but it’s here for you in case you want to.”
“Is that a hot tub?”
“It is.”
“What is it like, having anything you could ever want?”She said with a playful smile.
“I think you are confusing money with fulfilling wants.Money is good at fulfilling needs, housing, food, electric.Wants are more difficult.”
“What are things you want, but you can’t have?”
“Right now?You.”
“Me, but you bought me?”
“I may have bid on you at the auction, but that’s not everything.There is a lot about you I want Raven, and I can’t just take it.I want you to willingly give yourself and your trust to me, and that will take time.For now, I just want you comfortable in the fact that I will do anything I can to keep you happy, for as long as you will let me.”
I stepped closer and pulled her into my arms.I loved how she came to me easily, but it made me worry she wasn’t fighting this more.Raven wasn’t the type of woman to just lay down and give a man what he wanted.I could tell that from the first night I met her.
“Beckett, can I ask you a favor?”
“My friend Talia, the one I told you about, she came to the auction with me, but her cellphone has been going straight to voicemail ever since.I’m worried about her and I was wondering if you would call the agency and see if they can check on her?I know I could call, but they seemed really shifty when I spoke with them last night, and I have a feeling they would just shut me out.”
“Of course.I’ll call them and we will make sure she’s okay.”
“Thank you.”
“Now, since I am doing a favor for you, would you be willing to do one for me?”
“Yes.”she said, smiling up at me.
“Take your clothes off.”