Page 2 of Erotic Behavior (Observant Behaviors)
I had only wished that moment I realized how much truth there was to that statement.Hindsight is a bitch.I shot back the vodka, and we both screamed in disgust.It would have been the loudest noise in the house had the doorbell not rang at that precise minute.
The Unwanted Guest
“Whothehellcouldthat be at this hour?”
“I don’t know.I’ll get rid of them.Grab the laptop.If we don’t get this paperwork in by midnight, then we are out.”
I ran back over to the couch and pulled the computer into my lap.First off was Talia’s, since her forms were still pulled up.I did one last glance over the financials and hit send.As I was signing into my online portal, I heard the voice of one man I hoped I’d never hear from again.
“Come on, Talia, just let me in.“
“No Cal, you’re drunk and Raven made it clear she wants nothing to do with you.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.Raven loves me.Just tell her I’m here.”
I looked up and watched as Talia was trying to close the door on Cal’s foot.I knew better than anyone he wasn’t going anywhere without seeing me.I set the computer aside and got up to go save my hard-headed best friend.
“It’s fine, Talia.”
I reached for the door as she gave me a dirty look.
“What are you doing here, Cal?”
“I came to see my little lady,” he said as he tried to step forward and reached for me.
“Hands off.You’re drunk.Go home.”
“I can’t go home.I’m drunk.Can’t drive.”
“Then how did you get here?”
My level of patience with this man was nearing an all-time low.For a cop, he was really a piece of shit human.He reeked of liquor and was leaning heavily against the door frame.The downside of homeownership was the inability to disappear from alcoholic asshole exes who had your address.
“You can sleep on the couch, but I swear to god if you try anything stupid I will call 911 and have them come pick you up.”
I stepped aside as he stumbled in and nearly fell.What I ever saw in this guy was a mystery to me.I blame it on my constant need to seek authoritative male figures.Or at least that’s what my therapist called it back when I could afford to pay her.Never having a father did that to a girl, which was dumb if you asked me.My mom was more than enough in the parental department.
“I’m not going to try anything stupid.I just wanted to see you.”
He advanced on me again, but with a small push to his shoulder, Cal changed directions and headed for the couch.This wasn’t the first time he’d be sleeping there, but it would be the last… at least for a long while.
“I’ll get some blankets,” Talia said with a huff as she made her way back to our bedrooms.
I bent down and undid both of Cal’s boots out of habit and then moved the throw pillows to one end of the couch.“There, lay down.”
“Why don’t you come lay with me, just until I fall asleep.”
“Come on Rae, for old times’ sakes.”
I pushed him over and he fell back onto the pillows.He was a big guy, but when he was drunk, it was like handling a small child.“I’ll get you some water.”