Page 6 of Obsessed With My Mom's Ex
Dane’s choiceturns out to be a dive bar, but just barely. It’s brand new and painfully hip with chandeliers made of antlers and patrons dressed in plaid shirts like we’re at a ski lodge. The bar is called “The Hunt,” which curiously, is also the name of a bar Dane and I used to go to all the time when we were in college in Wyoming together. Back then, we had fake IDs, but no one in Wyoming cared to check our IDs. I shake my head as I head over to where my buddy’s sitting at the wooden bar.
“I can see why you wanted to check this place out,” I grin as I slide onto a stool beside him. “But dude, should we go somewhere else? For one, we appear to be the only people here over the age of 30. For another, there are a couple girls singing along to a Taylor Swift song by the juke box.”
“Yeah,” he groans, “If this is what they call a dive bar these days, I don’t think we’re missing out. But it was worth a try. I suddenly missed our college days, and a joint called “The Hunt” sounded promising.”
“I can imagine,” I grin, slapping him amicably on the back. “You okay, bud? Seems that being a dad is running you ragged.”
“I’m fine,” he says with a morose grin, taking a sip from his beer. “Jamie honestly does most of the work, so I can’t complain.”
“What it like, anyways?” I ask after ordering my own beer. “Being married to someone so much younger than you?”
“It’s awesome,” he replies without hesitation. “So hot. And Jamie keeps me young. Sometimes I forget I’m forty-five, which is money in the bank.” Dane thoughtfully looks around at all the young folks at the bar, chugging their overpriced craft beers. “She’s nothing like these hipsters,” he continues. “Jamie is fun and a real woman. She doesn’t take herself too seriously, and has a great sense of humor. The sex has only improved too since the baby was born.”
“Really?” I reply with surprise.
“Absolutely,” replies Dane. “Why do you ask?”
I shrug.
“I thought women got all loose after giving birth.”
Dane shakes his head, his blue eyes darkening with lust.
“No, not Jamie. If anything, she’s tighter down there. Not only that, but she’s really into anal now, and I wonder if it’s because she wants to preserve her pussy for baby number two. I don’t know, but I’m not complaining.”
“Holy fuck,” I mutter with wonder. “Goddamn.”
Dane grins.
“But how about you, buddy? Are you finally dating Chrissy?”
When he says this, I almost choke on my beer.
“Chrissy?” I cough, recovering. “No! Why?”
My buddy shrugs.
“Because she’s young and hot, and living in your house. It’s only a matter of time, right?” I shake my head.
“You’re a fucked-up shit, you know that?” I grunt. “Chrissy just graduatedhigh school, bro. Plus, I don’t need the hassle of dating my ex’s daughter, even if our split was amicable. The last thing I need in life is a teenage girl.Especiallybecause she’s my ex’s daughter.”
“Right,” muses Dane, although there’s a note of mockery in his voice. “So there’s no particular reason why you wanted to meet up out of the blue on a weeknight?” I can’t help but return his grin. Dane knows me too well, and it’ll be hard to pull the wool over his eyes. Hell, he’s exactly the person I should talk to about this. Not just because of how well he knows me, but because he’s in a relationship with a woman Chrissy’s age. The fucker might actually have some useful insight.
“Fine,” I admit. “I needed to get out of the house because I couldn’t be around Chrissy. Not tonight.”
“Why not?” asks Dane, intrigued. “What happened?”
“You’re not going to believe it because it’s some fucked-up shit.”
“Try me,” he replies, and takes a sip from his beer.
“So you know how I’ve been into trying out sex dolls?”
“Yeah,” shrugs Dane. “I hear they’re making them better and better. Like made of silicone, or TPE? What’s it called?”
“Thermoplastic elastomer, but I’m old-fashioned and stick with the silicone ones. They’re fucking amazing,” I admit. “But that’s not the point. Basically, Chrissy has somehow discovered that I have these dolls.”
“So?” he shrugs. “You’re not involved with each other. Why would you care what she thinks?”