Page 10 of Obsessed With My Mom's Ex
“Come on, Chrissy,” Elissa chides. “You can’t be serious.”
“But the alternative is almost more insane, don’t you think?” I muse. “That Brad fully knows it’s me, but is playing along, pretending I’m a sex doll?”
“True, thatwouldbe pretty insane,” agrees Elissa. “Because he’s a grown man and too old for these games. But which of the two bizarre possibilities is more credible? That he’s a kinky motherfucker who’s willing to use his ex’s teenage daughter as a sex doll? Or that he’s a straight-up idiot who can’t tell a sex doll from a real woman?” When Chrissy puts it like that, I have to admit she’s right. There’s no way Brad doesn’t know he’s had sex with a real-life woman not once, but twice now. That just leaves one possibility: he must want me as much as I want him.
“Why are you grinning?” Elissa giggles.
“Because I just realized you’re right,” I reply. “Brad knows it’s me, and he loves it.”
“No doubt!” confirms Elissa. “I mean, look at you, Chris! You’re a million times better than a piece of plastic. And no, I don’t care how technologically advanced these ladies are.”
I giggle.
“But Brad’s never shown any interest in me before. I barely see him when we’re both home, and when I do, he’s always cold and stand-offish. Like he thinks I’m not even worth talking to.”
“Well, clearly it’s not your conversation he’s interested in!” laughs Elissa, a little too loudly.
“Shh!” I hiss, throwing glances over my shoulder as my friend playfully rolls her eyes. “But,” I continue, “can I really be involved with a man who’s literally using my body for sex? I mean, think about it, Liss. We don’t talk. He literally uses me like a piece of plastic.”
“You should have thought about thatbeforeyou climbed into his bed and pretended to be a doll,” giggles Elissa teasingly as she prods me in the ribs.
“I know,” I sigh. “But I couldn’t help myself. I just had to do it. It was so exciting, and it’s so hot that he’s going along with it. But I should probably speak to Brad about the situation because twice is enough.”
“You should,” Elissa agrees with a smirk. “Let me know how it goes, girlfriend, because this is going to be an interesting conversation, to say the least.”
I swat her on the shoulder and giggle, even if internally, I’m a little nervous. After all, Brad’s been going along with the game, but it’s still a twisted situation and can’t possibly keep going the way it is. I suddenly realize that I’m desperate to know what he thinks about all of this. But I’m also scared to break the spell. Pretending to be the doll was such a turn on and I loved everything that Brad’s done to me in bed. What if, by talking to him about it, I ruin the situation? I mean, what if he’s not interested in me the regular way? What if all Brad wants is an inanimate female body to use?
Oh god. There’s no way I can ever find another cock that good, or a game this kinky. Nothing will ever be able to live up to the sexual tension and adventure I’ve shared with Brad in the past two days. Have I screwed myself already? I shake my head, despondent. This sucks. Why didn’t I think into the future? Why am I always so impulsive?
“Anyway,” I sigh, suddenly wanting to move on from the subject. “How’syourlove life going, Liss? It’s been a while since I heard you talk about a guy. Tell me the latest.” I notice how Elissa’s big, brown eyes go soft as she absentmindedly arranges some of the bottles on my display.
“There isn’t really a guy in my life right now,” she starts hesitantly, “but there is someone I’m really intrigued by.”
“Ohhh,” I purr. “Spill!”
“It’s a little taboo,” she giggles.
“Please, you’re talking to someone who’s been pretending to be a sex doll so she can get her mom’s ex-boyfriend into bed. I think I’ve got the taboo part covered,” I say in a droll voice as Elissa laughs.
“Okay,” she agrees. “But keep it on the downlow.”
“Of course!” I exclaim. “So who’s the mystery man?”
“It’s my aunt’s boyfriend,” she says, blushing, and I whistle.
“Okay, so you’re almost up there with me in terms of taboo. I mean, is hecheating? That’s forbidden and so wrong.”
“I don’t know if it’s cheating exactly,” Elissa hedges. “But like you, I can’t help it. Edward is just so hot. And what makes it harder is that I think he’s into me too. What am I supposed to do?”
“Are you serious? How do you know he’s into you?” I ask with interest. “And how does your aunt not know? Surely there must be signs.”
Elissa shrugs.
“So my aunt is always running ultramarathons.”
“Okay,” I reply. “And that’s relevant because?”
My buddy shrugs.