Page 68 of Baby, One More Time
I frown, closing the door behind her. “Late for what?”
“My period, my period is late.”
“Oh. Oooooooh.” The urgency of the situation distracts me from the momentary pang of disappointment I felt upon discovering it wasn’t John on my doorstep after all. No, I’m not disappointed. The churning in my stomach must be the famous morning sickness making its debut. I’m not upset John isn’t here. I’m not. “Are you usually regular?”
“Like clockwork.”
“And have you and Gabriel been trying, or were you just… careless?”
Blake stops her pacing of my living room to point a finger at me. “This is all your fault.”
I raise my eyebrows in surprise. “My fault how?”
“We had makeup sex in the back of the limo on prom night—you sent me there.”
“And you didn’t use protection?”
“Of course we did, but we used one of those wallet condoms you’re not supposed to use and, of course, it broke.”
“Clearly making it my fault if you’re pregnant.”
“Have you taken a test?”
“No, are you crazy? Why would I take a test? What if it’s positive?”
And if a short few days ago I would’ve classified that answer as cuckoo, now I find it a perfectly acceptable response.
“Fair enough,” I say. “But let’s talk hypotheticals… If you were pregnant, would you be sad about it?”
“More scared.”
“I’m only twenty-six. I’m too young to have a baby.” She sits on the couch and I join her. “I already missed out on enjoying my teen years because I was building a business. I wanted to at least live my twenties carefree. And Gabriel and I have been dating for only a few months. Heck, we just got back together after a breakup. It’s too soon to start a family.”
I nod. “All valid points… but…”
“I had even more reasons not to want to be pregnant with this baby. John and I are not a couple, our relationship is more complicated than ever… but the moment I saw the plus sign on the test I just… I don’t know, it’s like my heart had suddenly swelled to twice the size. I already love my poppy seed.”
“Poppy seed?”
“That’s the size of the baby right now.”
“I promise you, hypotheticals and real babies are two different things.” I pat her knee. “Are you worried about how Gabriel would react?”
“No, he’s older, he’s ready. We already discussed the whole family scenario. He’d probably be over the moon.”
“So what’s the matter?”
“I told you; I feel like my youth is escaping me again.”
“Some argue being a young mom is more fun than being an old hag like me.”