Page 63 of Baby, One More Time
Danika: I’ve taken a personal day Thursday and I’m making up for lost time today
I try to keep a super flexible work schedule for my employees. They can take personal days or mental health days whenever they want and they know they technically don’t have to “make up” for the time lost. But the more I tell them not to work too much, the more they do. Or maybe Danika is dealing with her own ex-boyfriend problems and she, too, would rather work than deal with her love life.
I put my laptop away, scoot under the covers, and reopen the chat with John.
I’m tapping my nail on the screen, trying to decide what to answer or if I should reply at all when another message pops up.
From John:
Hey you, welcome back
Are you done avoiding me with whatever work issue you buried yourself in? *wink emoji*
How did he—
Before I can even finish posing the question in my head, the answer materializes on the screen.
From John:
I know you, you used to take practice SAT tests to de-stress at night
Figured now it’s work stuff
So, breakfast?
To John:
Did you stare at your screen for two hours waiting for me to return?
From John:
Pretty much
But I’m not a stalker, I swear
To John:
What are you then?
From John:
I roll my eyes. He’s impossible.
From John:
Don’t roll your eyes
Just say yes
I shouldn’t. I’m about to type no, when Thomas Mercer’s words ring in my ears, “Then be safe and single and sad…”
I mean, it’s only breakfast. I’m not committing to anything.
To John: