Page 120 of Baby, One More Time
I work my hand over her naked skin, bending down to kiss her neck. “You’d also say yes to round three?”
She laughs. “Especially to that.”
I pull the sheets over both of our heads. “You insatiable vixen.” I tickle her sides, making her giggle.
“Stop before I pee myself,” she pleads. “You know pregnant women have the worst bladder control.”
I let her go and lower my mouth to her belly, dropping a kiss on the small bump. “Did you hear? Your mommy is using you as an excuse not to be tickled.”
“It’s not an excuse, it’s a medical fact.”
“Should we believe her?” I trickle soft kisses over her bump. “We will, just this once, and only because she agreed to marry your daddy. Did you hear that, little one? We’re going to be a family.”
Marissa’s fingers thread through my hair. “I like the sound of that.”
I raise my head, getting free of the sheets. “Yeah?”
“Yes,” she says, her eyes glowing, her smile wide.
“Uh, another yes; you really can’t help yourself.”
“Jerk.” She playfully pushes my face aside.
“Why? What’s the worst that can happen if you keep saying yes? A house full of kids and pets and chaos.”
She looks at me, uncertain. “The disorder is certain if I am in charge of the cleaning.”
“Definitely not. We’ll get help and I’ll go easy on you on the chores board.”
She guffaws. “We’re going to have a chores board?”
“Only way I found to make Nora help around the house. She gets a golden star every time she ticks a task off, and a reward when she finishes the stars on the sticker sheet.”
Marissa gently caresses the short hair at the back of my neck. “I don’t think that would work on me.”
“No? Why?”
“I already got my reward, and it’s you, Dr. Sexy.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
“Sure, Dr. Humble.”
I half-roll back on top of her. “Right now I feel mostly like Dr. Happy. I can’t wait to tell everyone.”
“Who do you want to tell first?”
“Well, Nora for sure, then our families, and Blake. Did I mention I met her?”
“What?” Marissa pulls up on her elbows.
“She stopped by my office two Mondays ago to let me know it was all her fault you’d gone incommunicado, and that she was sorry, and on my side, and not to worry, to just give it a couple of weeks and she predicted you’d be desperate to see me.”
Marissa collapses back on the pillows and covers her face with her hands. “Oh, she’s never going to let me hear the end of it.”
I lower her hands and give her a peck on the lips. “I doubt it, seeing how you basically forced her to take Gabriel back. And judging from the bump and the enormous rock on her finger, things are going pretty spectacularly between them.”
“It was the cutest proposal. I was accidentally there, and he’d tied the ring around their cat’s collar, it was just too romantic.”