Page 93 of Not In A Billion Years
“On that prophetical note, I’m going to wish you a good night.”
The moment we hang up the lights flicker back to life.
I take it as a sort of sign. I fish my phone out of my backpack and check it for a signal. There’s still none, but it asks me if I want to connect to the Wi-Fi network. I tap yes and it lets me log on without asking for a password. Guess there aren’t a lot of Wi-Fi thieves around these parts.
I cradle the phone in my hands for a few more minutes before I pull up the chat with MGM and type:
To Gabriel:
I’m sorry about the Goonies comment, I didn’t really mean it
Gabriel replies immediately as if he, too, already had the phone in his hands.
From Gabriel
You know I’m just in the next room. You don’t have to text me if you want to talk
To Gabriel
It’s easier to have this conversation with a solid wall between us
From Gabriel
To Gabriel
Because you unsettle me and not always in a good way
From Gabriel
Hijacking a scavenger hunt for a picnic is okay, felling imaginary trees to spend more time with you is not
Got the message loud and clear
To Gabriel
Are YOU being snippy with ME?
From Gabriel
YOU called me manipulative
To Gabriel
And how would you define yourself?
From Gabriel
Proactive? I’ve always liked to make my own fortune and not sit around waiting for things to happen
To Gabriel
Yeah. I also got that message loud and clear
Anyway, I already said I was sorry