Page 53 of Not In A Billion Years
I catch myself just in time, shoving him back. “Watch it.”
“Whoa, calm down, tiger,” he whispers in my ear. “On edge much?” He jerks his chin toward the reception desk. “It’s our turn.”
I force my expression to relax and let Thomas lead the way to the check-in desk.
We introduce ourselves to the immaculate receptionist, who verifies our reservation on her computer before handing us our conference badges and room keys.
Not that the resort really has “rooms.” Each guest will be housed in private cabins scattered across the woods.
Thomas and I thank the receptionist and head out, following wooden signs to our assigned cabins. The scent of damp earth and pinecones fills my nostrils as we cross the woods. The path is flanked by tall trees and mountains in the distance, while a shallow stream runs to the edge of the forest and down to a small lake. On the ground is a blanket of soft pine needles and green grass. Birds sing among the trees while the needles crunch under our feet.
Thomas and I follow the same path until a fork in the road shows we should split.
“Meet again in half an hour?” Thomas asks.
I nod. Thirty minutes should be enough to drop off my luggage, take a quick shower, and change.
Twenty minutes later, in front of the mirror, I purposely choose not to shave. If Blake likes clean-shaven boys, I’m not the man for her. I mean, I do shave even if not regularly. But my vibe is definitely less polished than that blond fop.
Whatever, I’m giving facial hair way too much importance. I get out of the bathroom and put on a pair of dark-blue chinos, a gray Henley, and a quilted vest jacket.
Thomas is already waiting for me at the crossroads, and we make our way back through the thicket of woods.
Before we enter the lobby again, Thomas grabs my elbow, holding me back. “Be a sport and start mingling. The broody looks aren’t good for business.”
I roll my eyes in exasperation and head to the bar. I’m not here for business.
I greet the bartender with a nod. He’s a young, dark-haired guy with a friendly smile and a nametag that reads “Tony.”
“What’s your poison?” Tony asks.
“Scotch. Neat.”
He pours me a small glass and passes it to me. I take a sip. The smoky liquid lights a warm fire in my throat.
From my vantage point, I scan the room again. There are no official conference events planned for tonight, only a general meet and greet. But everyone knows these informal social gatherings are a priceless networking opportunity, so Blake should already be here somewhere. The schedule for the long weekend is pretty tight. Arrivals today, panels tomorrow—including mine with Blake. I didn’t ask Thomas for it, but my dear brother thought it’d add flair to the courtship to pit me and Blake against each other in front of a bunch of CEOs and investors. Me, not so much. Then Saturday is the day of the scavenger hunt—a team endeavor. I’ve been paired with an old mammoth, but plan to change that. And Sunday, the conference closing.
I take another sweep of the rabble. Where are you, Blake? The women in the crowd are fewer and farther between than the men. Blake should be easy to spot. Still, my eyes come up empty.
I down my drink and am about to order another when my brother leans his elbows on the bar next to me, whispering out the side of his mouth, “Incoming piqued billionairette at your twelve.”
I stare ahead of me at the sight of Blake marching our way like she means business, and not the romantic kind.
“Gentlemen,” Blake greets us without preamble.
Her gaze is locked on me, delivering the usual jab-hook combo to the heart. She’s dressed in business casual clothes. A cashmere golden brown sweater tucked into a black pencil skirt.
“Blake Avery.” Thomas fans out the charm at once. “Already a legend in my family.”
Her signature angry blue eyes shift from me to my brother. “The other Mercer brother, I assume.”
“In the flesh.” He gallantly bows at her.
Looking none the more impressed, Blake nods briefly at him and refocuses her blazing eyes on me, hissing her next brusque statement in a low, angry voice. “Are you the reason I’ve been invited to the conference?”