Page 51 of Not In A Billion Years
I groan. “I wish I had that class on video. Unfortunately, the cameras were off and those memories will only live in my mind. I need to find another way to crush him.”
Marissa stays silent for a beat. “Are you even sure you want to crush him?”
“Yeah, I have to. The way he procured this invite shows he’d be just the kind of overbearing partner I don’t need in my life. He’s pushing when I asked him not to. Why wouldn’t I shut him down?”
I can hear the apologetic smile in Marissa’s tone as she says, “Because you sort of like the guy?”
My first instinct is to deny the allegation, but there’d be no point in lying to Marissa—or to myself. “I told you I’m never going to fall for a rich boy again.”
“But Justin was an idiot. It doesn’t mean all rich men—”
“I won’t find myself in that position again, Mari, period.”
“Okay, okay. So what’s the plan?”
“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll make sure Gabriel thinks twice before interfering with my business again.”
After the slowest two weeks of my life, I’m sitting in my father’s private jet about to take off for Jackson Hole. My stomach is tied into knots, my gaze lost out the window over the wet tarmac, while my fingers drum a nervous beat on the leather seat.
Thomas tilts his head to the side, studying me from the seat across. I pretend not to notice until he talks, and I can no longer ignore him.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re afraid of flying. But I know only cars scare you, so it must be the other thing.”
“Mind your own business, Thomas.”
My brother places a hand over his chest, mock-hurt. “Is this the thanks I get for playing Cupid?”
I glare at him.
“I’m just saying, it’s a five-hour flight. No chances of running into Blake while we’re in the air; try to relax.”
“And you should shut your trap.”
“My gosh, that woman really did a number on you. What is it? I mean, sure, she’s gorgeous. But you’ve had beautiful women before.” Thomas taps his chin with a finger. “Is it the fact that she can resist you?”
“I don’t need a shrink, Thomas,” I snarl.
“And I’m not trying to psychoanalyze you.”
I sigh, my gaze going back out the window. “I don’t even know how I got into this mess.”
“You fell for a mysterious woman and asked for my help.”
“Which I’m never going to do again.”
“Oh, tsk.” Thomas shrugs innocently. “So if I knew you might have some competition at the conference, you wouldn’t want me to share my intel?”
I level my brother with a stare. “What competition?”
“I might have gathered intelligence that her ex is also attending the conference.”
I flex my fingers to avoid crushing the leather cushions in their grip. “Give me a name.”
Thomas regards me with a bemused smirk. “I thought you didn’t need my help.”