Page 49 of Not In A Billion Years
“If you’re done importuning my employees, I have work to do.”
“Ah, Gabriello, the usual ray of sunshine. Let me know if you want to ride with me on the jet. I can’t wait to spend some quality time with my favorite brother.”
I roll my eyes and hang up.
Swiveling my chair to face the window, I stare out at the incoming storm. I know I’m rocking the boat. It won’t take Blake long to put two and two together and realize I’ve interfered. She’s going to be mad. But I hope that spending time together will prompt her to finally give in to the attraction she’s fighting so hard against.
This is a make-or-break move. And it’s too late to back down now.
The bait is set. Will Blake catch the hook?
I hit the refresh button one more time, still incredulous. I’m shocked by the unexpected invitation that just dropped into my inbox as quietly as a spam email for a new credit card and toaster bundle offer.
For something as life-changing as this, I thought at least the mail server would’ve launched confetti out of my computer screen, or played a choir of celestial music.
Instead, nothing. As of two minutes ago, I’ve been officially invited to attend the annual Billy Conference—the most exclusive, sought-after business conference reserved for the elites of every sector—with no fuss whatsoever.
For the few startuppers who get invited every year, it’s like being anointed by the business gods. Whoever attends the Billy will never be passed over by investors again, at least not by anyone who matters in the VC world. The invitees are handpicked. The money and influence needed to attend this highfalutin event are staggering.
I have wanted to go ever since I received my first round of funding. But I’d never really let myself hope to get an invitation.
Now, I have. Or at least I assume the email “Annual Billy Conference” is an invite.
I stare at the subject line for a long time, my fingers chickening out of opening the message half a dozen times.
Finally, I find the courage to click on it.
The message is stylish in its simplicity and lack of over-formatting.
Dear Blake Avery,
Please be advised that given the high quality of your company, you’ve been awarded a special invitation to attend this year’s Billy Conference.
The conference will be held in Jackson Hole from 27 to 30 July.
We’ve enclosed your electronic badge, which grants you access to the conference and all its facilities. We hope you’ll be able to attend and enjoy the experience.
The world is your oyster,
Billy Westwood, Founder and CEO
I stare at the screen, open-mouthed. I keep re-reading the message. I scan the email, just in case it was a mistake. But no, there’s no mistake. I’ve been invited to the Billy.
My mind is racing a thousand miles per hour. The conference is only two weeks away and I have to RSVP like, right now.
I frown.
The timing seems a little off.
Aren’t these invitations supposed to be delivered months in advance? Why am I getting mine only now?
Maybe some crazy person dropped out, and they needed a last-minute replacement. I shrug. I’m okay with not being their first choice. Who cares if I’m their second pick? I’m not about to squander such an opportunity.
I don’t have much time to make my decision. I read the email again, confirm all the details, and click yes on the RSVP form. I also click yes on the form that asks if I’d be open to speak on a panel. Then I stare at the confirmation message still in a daze.